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Hermien Greeff
Community Member
1 posts
2.7K points
Cape Town based paper artist. I get all my inspiration from nature.
Hermien Greeff • upvoted 7 items 11 months ago
TIL that everyone in Singapore above the age of 21 is automatically registered as an organ donor. Opting out from this Act will result in you being put at the very bottom of the organ priority list, should you need an organ transplantation.Pilots-Share-Worst-Airports-Landing
THE most difficult airport to fly in and out of is the Tenzing-Hillary airport in Lukla, Nepal. On one end is a cliff; on the other is a mountain wall. On the way, you are flying between mountains, and there are often clouds.Pilots-Share-Worst-Airports-Landing
Juneau, Alaska is pretty scary. There’s this big honkin’ mountain at the end of the runway. You land going one way and fly out going the other.Pilots-Share-Worst-Airports-Landing
Not a pilot, but as a passenger, Lukla in Nepal was, as my dad says in the video, “seriously interesting”. The runway has a 12% gradient (which is a lot more than it sounds!) with a sheer drop at the bottom and a rock face at the top. I was sitting next to my dad in the front row of the Twin Otter. Luckily I hadn’t researched this airport’s legendary reputation before the trip.Show All 7 Upvotes
Hermien Greeff • commented on 3 posts 11 months ago
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Hermien Greeff • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
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Hermien Greeff • upvoted 11 items 1 year ago
Elistariel reply
Putting lipstick over your cupid's bow. It's obvious and looks bad. You aren't a Bratz doll. Also: over lining lips and putting lipstick in the corners of your mouth, you look like the Joker.Show All 11 Upvotes
Hermien Greeff • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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Hermien Greeff • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
TRex_N_Truex reply
Expecting your friends to spend thousands of dollars on you with stupid destination bachelor parties, dress/tux rentals, hotels, miscellaneous b******t.Spotted In Melbourne, Australia. I Should Add, I’m In Agreement With This One, I Don’t Think It’s Unpopular
Show All 7 Upvotes
Hermien Greeff • submitted 18 list additions 3 years ago
Hermien Greeff • submitted a list addition 10 years ago
Hermien Greeff • commented on 3 posts 11 months ago
Hermien Greeff • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
Hermien Greeff • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
Hermien Greeff • upvoted 7 items 11 months ago
TIL that everyone in Singapore above the age of 21 is automatically registered as an organ donor. Opting out from this Act will result in you being put at the very bottom of the organ priority list, should you need an organ transplantation.Pilots-Share-Worst-Airports-Landing
Juneau, Alaska is pretty scary. There’s this big honkin’ mountain at the end of the runway. You land going one way and fly out going the other.Pilots-Share-Worst-Airports-Landing
THE most difficult airport to fly in and out of is the Tenzing-Hillary airport in Lukla, Nepal. On one end is a cliff; on the other is a mountain wall. On the way, you are flying between mountains, and there are often clouds.Pilots-Share-Worst-Airports-Landing
Not a pilot, but as a passenger, Lukla in Nepal was, as my dad says in the video, “seriously interesting”. The runway has a 12% gradient (which is a lot more than it sounds!) with a sheer drop at the bottom and a rock face at the top. I was sitting next to my dad in the front row of the Twin Otter. Luckily I hadn’t researched this airport’s legendary reputation before the trip. Hermien Greeff • upvoted 11 items 1 year ago
Elistariel reply
Putting lipstick over your cupid's bow. It's obvious and looks bad. You aren't a Bratz doll. Also: over lining lips and putting lipstick in the corners of your mouth, you look like the Joker.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Hermien Greeff • 68 followers