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Heidi Fleming
Community Member
2 posts
14 points
Hi!!!! I am Heidi!!! Kind and inspired to do good :)
Heidi Fleming • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Who Is Your Favorite Music Artist And Why?
That's a loaded question. I have to go with Floor Jansen because she's the ultimate powerhouse. Kongos. Their beats slap. Delerium. Their sounds just transport you to another world.Hey Pandas, Who Is Your Favorite Music Artist And Why?
REM. When I first heard them I was 12 and they were fairly new. The guitar, the way the singers voices compliment each other, the way the words drew an abstract picture in my mind that, over the years, has touched me in different ways. There are songs I’ve listened to over and over at certain times in my life. Their activism seemed to exactly coincide with my own as I grew up and became ecologically aware. When they broke up I honestly thought I wouldn’t ever have a favorite artist again. Of artists still making music, I love Cage the Elephant. They have such a varied sound that you can tell what headspace they must have been in when they made that album. I listened to Social Cues and immediately said, “Someone is getting divorced.”Show All 5 Upvotes
Heidi Fleming • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Heidi Fleming • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Heidi Fleming • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Heidi Fleming • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
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Heidi Fleming • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Who Is Your Favorite Music Artist And Why?
Lizzy hale. Because she is a women who sings rock n roll one the best to me. She sings about things related to how women feel but never say out loud, things men don't like them to say. She is awesome.Hey Pandas, Who Is Your Favorite Music Artist And Why?
REM. When I first heard them I was 12 and they were fairly new. The guitar, the way the singers voices compliment each other, the way the words drew an abstract picture in my mind that, over the years, has touched me in different ways. There are songs I’ve listened to over and over at certain times in my life. Their activism seemed to exactly coincide with my own as I grew up and became ecologically aware. When they broke up I honestly thought I wouldn’t ever have a favorite artist again. Of artists still making music, I love Cage the Elephant. They have such a varied sound that you can tell what headspace they must have been in when they made that album. I listened to Social Cues and immediately said, “Someone is getting divorced.”This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Heidi Fleming • 1 follower