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5 posts
1.1K points
I run a podcast on YouTube called The Gwen FN, it's moderately entertaining if you're bored and want some background noise. Also, I spend like 20% of my day on bored panda, it's a problem. Someone help, this is becoming an addiction
ScrupulousScribbler • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
ScrupulousScribbler • upvoted 35 items 2 years ago
Hey LGBTQ Pandas, What Is One Of Your Pride Pet Peeves?
I am bisexual and I am often told that bisexuxal people cannot be faithful to a partner because they will always be attracted to other men and women. As if heterosexual and homosexual people aren't often attracted to someone else. I also hate being asked why I don't just choose to be gay or straight and that I should just make up my mind and that dating a woman does not mean I have become straight or dating a guy does not mean that I am now gay.Hey LGBTQ Pandas, What Is One Of Your Pride Pet Peeves?
I'm gender fluid, and what really ticks me off is when people will say, "It's fine if a woman feels masculine and wants to dress masculine, I just don't agree with changing your pronouns. You'll always be a girl." Like, b*tch, I already know that I will always have boobs, but that doesn't mean that I can't identify as a guy. Also, "not agreeing" with changing pronouns is transphobic, it annoys me so much when people say they aren't transphobic and then use the "I just don't agree with it" card.Hey LGBTQ Pandas, What Is One Of Your Pride Pet Peeves?
When people act like LGBTQ people make it their whole personality that they are gay. Mayyybbeeee if you think that is somebody's entire personality, you don't know them well enough! Also, people don't tell straight people that being straight is their entire personality. Idk. correct me if I'm wrong. would love to hear some opinions on this.Show All 35 Upvotes
ScrupulousScribbler • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
ScrupulousScribbler • started following a person 2 years ago
ScrupulousScribbler • submitted 11 list additions 2 years ago
ScrupulousScribbler • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
ScrupulousScribbler • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey LGBTQ Pandas, What Is One Of Your Pride Pet Peeves?
When people act like LGBTQ people make it their whole personality that they are gay. Mayyybbeeee if you think that is somebody's entire personality, you don't know them well enough! Also, people don't tell straight people that being straight is their entire personality. Idk. correct me if I'm wrong. would love to hear some opinions on this. ScrupulousScribbler • is following 2 people
ScrupulousScribbler • 5 followers