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Happy Creations
Community Member
1 posts
99 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Happy Creations • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
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Happy Creations • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Happy Creations • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Happy Creations • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, This Is A Safe Space To Get Things Off Your Chest So, What Do You Wanna Talk About?
Can everyone just shut the hell up, instead of spouting their ignorant opinions? So much noise on the internet over nothing, I'm so tired of it lately. I'm not talking about this thread of course. Keep it going!Hey Pandas, This Is A Safe Space To Get Things Off Your Chest So, What Do You Wanna Talk About?
Can everyone just shut the hell up, instead of spouting their ignorant opinions? So much noise on the internet over nothing, I'm so tired of it lately. I'm not talking about this thread of course. Keep it going! Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, This Is A Safe Space To Get Things Off Your Chest. What Do You Wanna Talk About? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Random Act Of Kindness You Have Done?
Not going to write about what I did, but I want to write about what my Dad did. This summer he lost an older brother, he used to work for a Charity Organization (CO) in my city and was well known in the community. After he passed away, we decided to keep in touch with that CO because we knew how close to my uncle's heart was his work place and it's a good way to honor him. So, here's the part where my dad did his random act of kindness. My dad noticed that one of his students never ate at lunch breaks. So he snooped around, asked a few of his other students what the deal was and found out that the child's father passed away this summer, his mom works as a cleaning lady, fulltime, at a factory and earns 360$/month, he also has a young brother. You can imagine, that sum of money is nowhere near of comfortable living. Before school (this child had afternoon classes), my dad picks up this child and takes him to that CO to try and help him out, by enrolling him in a program the CO has. My dad's plan worked. From today on, this family has two warm meals every day, for him and his brother (sadly the mom couldn't be enrolled) and every two weeks, a few kg of different essential foods (sugar, flour, oil, different caned foods) and hygiene products. We are proud of my dad's quick thinking and happy that they'll be able to put something on the table for the holidays this year.Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Random Act Of Kindness You Have Done?
We were traveling from the Nashville airport to North Carolina, but were stopping for the night at Knoxville on the way. It was a busy, Pandemic frenzy Friday night as we went to get our rental car, we were waiting in line when another agent from a sister agency asked if our rental place had a car for one way to Knoxville. That was a negative. I looked over and saw a middle aged couple very upset and using their phone to communicate. Not knowing the situation details, I just said we’d give them a ride. It was almost comical the way everyone in the area just turned and looked at us like we were nuts. I just said, we’re going to Knoxville so why not. Turns out they did not speak English, so we first spoke to their daughter (who spoke English) letting her know we were good people fully vaccinated and willing to drive her parents to the hotel in Knoxville where the entire family was gathered for a family wedding. On the drive, we discovered they were newly moved to Florida from Cuba and had to work Friday and must return on Sunday for a Saturday wedding as they needed to be back at work on the Monday morning. It was an amazing 3 hour drive communicating via Google translate. We are now lifelong friends and will always have a friend in Miami…we’re from Washington state. God moves in mysterious ways. Glad we could help.Hey Pandas, What Is The Spookiest Story You Have?
My aunt renovated her home and I was there with her all day to help her out with things. Since I was going to her house daily she suggested I sleep there with her, since she was alone anyway and the main bedroom was done. I was happy, since I didn't have to go late night back at my place and we could continue super early with the renovation. Before bed, after a long day, we ordered some food and I suggested we watched "Mama". I knew it was a horror movie, she didn't know but we watched it anyway. I'm not going to go in detail about this movie, but what particularly creeps me out the most in this movie, is the sound that "Mama" makes when she's enraged, it simply makes my skin crawl. Bed time comes and we fall asleep fast (I must mention that I was sleeping in the same bed with my aunt). For some unknown reason, all the time, I sleep very lightly between 3 and 4 o'clock, so that means that every faint sound, wakes me up. So here it is, it's 3.16 a.m. and I hear that freaking sound, very faint at first then extremely loud right in my year. I'm fully awake now, the sound still going on, and very carefully (scarefully :) ) I'm looking around the room, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. My aunt was doing that freaky sound. I have no idea what she was dreaming, but it felt like she was possessed by "Mama". I whispered her name, but it didn't help, she even gave me a smirk. I freaked out even more, so I just had to shake her so she would just stop. Let me tell you, I barely slept the next three days. No more horror movies for my aunt :)Hey Pandas, Who Will You Be For Halloween?
I'll just be myself this year! I hear I was frightening for some people :))Picky-Eaters-Meals-Kids-Around-World
As a Jew lemme tell you about latkes. Basically a potato pancake. My kid loves to dip them in applesauce in the morning, ketchup at night. They’re versatile, filling, easy to make, you hold them in your hand...Perfect kid food.Show All 20 Upvotes
Happy Creations • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Happy Creations • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
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Happy Creations • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Happy Creations • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Happy Creations • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Happy Creations • submitted 10 list additions 3 years ago
Happy Creations • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Happy Creations • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Happy Creations • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
Happy Creations • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, This Is A Safe Space To Get Things Off Your Chest. What Do You Wanna Talk About? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, This Is A Safe Space To Get Things Off Your Chest So, What Do You Wanna Talk About?
Can everyone just shut the hell up, instead of spouting their ignorant opinions? So much noise on the internet over nothing, I'm so tired of it lately. I'm not talking about this thread of course. Keep it going!Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Random Act Of Kindness You Have Done?
Not going to write about what I did, but I want to write about what my Dad did. This summer he lost an older brother, he used to work for a Charity Organization (CO) in my city and was well known in the community. After he passed away, we decided to keep in touch with that CO because we knew how close to my uncle's heart was his work place and it's a good way to honor him. So, here's the part where my dad did his random act of kindness. My dad noticed that one of his students never ate at lunch breaks. So he snooped around, asked a few of his other students what the deal was and found out that the child's father passed away this summer, his mom works as a cleaning lady, fulltime, at a factory and earns 360$/month, he also has a young brother. You can imagine, that sum of money is nowhere near of comfortable living. Before school (this child had afternoon classes), my dad picks up this child and takes him to that CO to try and help him out, by enrolling him in a program the CO has. My dad's plan worked. From today on, this family has two warm meals every day, for him and his brother (sadly the mom couldn't be enrolled) and every two weeks, a few kg of different essential foods (sugar, flour, oil, different caned foods) and hygiene products. We are proud of my dad's quick thinking and happy that they'll be able to put something on the table for the holidays this year.Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Random Act Of Kindness You Have Done?
We were traveling from the Nashville airport to North Carolina, but were stopping for the night at Knoxville on the way. It was a busy, Pandemic frenzy Friday night as we went to get our rental car, we were waiting in line when another agent from a sister agency asked if our rental place had a car for one way to Knoxville. That was a negative. I looked over and saw a middle aged couple very upset and using their phone to communicate. Not knowing the situation details, I just said we’d give them a ride. It was almost comical the way everyone in the area just turned and looked at us like we were nuts. I just said, we’re going to Knoxville so why not. Turns out they did not speak English, so we first spoke to their daughter (who spoke English) letting her know we were good people fully vaccinated and willing to drive her parents to the hotel in Knoxville where the entire family was gathered for a family wedding. On the drive, we discovered they were newly moved to Florida from Cuba and had to work Friday and must return on Sunday for a Saturday wedding as they needed to be back at work on the Monday morning. It was an amazing 3 hour drive communicating via Google translate. We are now lifelong friends and will always have a friend in Miami…we’re from Washington state. God moves in mysterious ways. Glad we could help.Hey Pandas, What Is The Spookiest Story You Have?
My aunt renovated her home and I was there with her all day to help her out with things. Since I was going to her house daily she suggested I sleep there with her, since she was alone anyway and the main bedroom was done. I was happy, since I didn't have to go late night back at my place and we could continue super early with the renovation. Before bed, after a long day, we ordered some food and I suggested we watched "Mama". I knew it was a horror movie, she didn't know but we watched it anyway. I'm not going to go in detail about this movie, but what particularly creeps me out the most in this movie, is the sound that "Mama" makes when she's enraged, it simply makes my skin crawl. Bed time comes and we fall asleep fast (I must mention that I was sleeping in the same bed with my aunt). For some unknown reason, all the time, I sleep very lightly between 3 and 4 o'clock, so that means that every faint sound, wakes me up. So here it is, it's 3.16 a.m. and I hear that freaking sound, very faint at first then extremely loud right in my year. I'm fully awake now, the sound still going on, and very carefully (scarefully :) ) I'm looking around the room, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. My aunt was doing that freaky sound. I have no idea what she was dreaming, but it felt like she was possessed by "Mama". I whispered her name, but it didn't help, she even gave me a smirk. I freaked out even more, so I just had to shake her so she would just stop. Let me tell you, I barely slept the next three days. No more horror movies for my aunt :)This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Happy Creations • 44 followers