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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hey Pandas, We All Love Music, So Name Your Favorite Song Of All Time
American Pie by Don McLean. It always has everyone singing! Even if you know the true meanings behind his lyrics, you can apply them to almost any time in American history and they'd still be relevant. And, sad. We need a new pie.
Hey Pandas, We All Love Music, So Name Your Favorite Song Of All Time
American Pie by Don McLean. It always has everyone singing! Even if you know the true meanings behind his lyrics, you can apply them to almost any time in American history and they'd still be relevant. And, sad. We need a new pie.
Hey Pandas, We All Love Music, So Name Your Favorite Song Of All Time
Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds has been my absolute favourite for more than 7 years
Hey Pandas, We All Love Music, So Name Your Favorite Song Of All Time
American Pie by Don McLean. It always has everyone singing! Even if you know the true meanings behind his lyrics, you can apply them to almost any time in American history and they'd still be relevant. And, sad. We need a new pie.