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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
MidnightSky • upvoted an item 11 months ago
notreallylucy reply
Once upon a time I had a headache. My then-boyfriend said to take a shower by candlelight. My first thought was, "Showering in near darkness is a stupid idea" followed immediately by "I want to try it." Damn if it didn't work. I went ahead and married him to retain access to his good ideas and his pancakes. MidnightSky • upvoted 34 items 1 year ago
37 Stories That Wouldn’t Be As Scary If They Weren’t 100% Real, As Shared By People Online
gabjam reply
Went round to a friends house to play DnD. She made us all nachos and chicken. At the end I went to wash up so as not to leave her with all our mess, I turned around and she put her hand on my chest, stared me straight in the eyes and told me I didn't need to help. Nothing overtly sexy but she held my gaze and had her hand on my chest just slightly longer than would be expected. Anyway we're married nowanon reply
The only battles worth fighting small children over are safety related ones. You want to roll in the mud and eat nothing but doritos for 3 weeks? Go for it. You're going to wear disney princess heels, a swimsuit, a tutu, and a ski hat to the grocery store? Rock on little one. I've been raising kids for 18 years, all different ages and personalities. It just isn't worth the energy to battle them if it's not actually affecting their safety or the safety of others around them. Animals
We Set Up A Photo Booth To Take Funny And Wholesome Photos Of Pets, And Here Are The Best 21 Pictures
A Cat Misses His Sister. He Sits Like This Every Day For Half An Hour. Animals Are Similar To Humans
Social Issues
This Viral Thread Has People Pointing Out Things The Poor Know But The Rich Don't, And Here Are 40 Of Them
Show All 34 Upvotes
MidnightSky • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
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MidnightSky • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
MidnightSky • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
50 Times People Couldn’t Believe How Lucky They Got In Secondhand Shops And Thrift Stores (New Pics)
MidnightSky • upvoted an item 11 months ago
notreallylucy reply
Once upon a time I had a headache. My then-boyfriend said to take a shower by candlelight. My first thought was, "Showering in near darkness is a stupid idea" followed immediately by "I want to try it." Damn if it didn't work. I went ahead and married him to retain access to his good ideas and his pancakes. MidnightSky • upvoted 3 items 12 months ago
MidnightSky • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
gabjam reply
Went round to a friends house to play DnD. She made us all nachos and chicken. At the end I went to wash up so as not to leave her with all our mess, I turned around and she put her hand on my chest, stared me straight in the eyes and told me I didn't need to help. Nothing overtly sexy but she held my gaze and had her hand on my chest just slightly longer than would be expected. Anyway we're married now Curiosities
37 Stories That Wouldn’t Be As Scary If They Weren’t 100% Real, As Shared By People Online
A Cat Misses His Sister. He Sits Like This Every Day For Half An Hour. Animals Are Similar To Humans
anon reply
The only battles worth fighting small children over are safety related ones. You want to roll in the mud and eat nothing but doritos for 3 weeks? Go for it. You're going to wear disney princess heels, a swimsuit, a tutu, and a ski hat to the grocery store? Rock on little one. I've been raising kids for 18 years, all different ages and personalities. It just isn't worth the energy to battle them if it's not actually affecting their safety or the safety of others around them.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
MidnightSky • 69 followers