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Hanin Shaqsi
Community Member
Hanin Shaqsi
Community Member
2 posts
22 points
Artist of Pop Surrealism artworks based in Oman
Hanin Shaqsi • upvoted 9 items 4 years ago
Show All 9 Upvotes
Hanin Shaqsi • upvoted 2 items 7 years ago
How Do You Deal With Sadness?
My way of dealing with sadness might sadden a lot of you, who read this, but here's how I do it. The key point is to distract my mind with anything else that would absorb my attention. Getting to do something creative, such as drawing or writing, surely helps, but that is not so easy when you feel sad, demotivated, exhausted, lazy, and guilty. So... The internet and simple video games are the initial answer. Yep, that means I mostly reach for my smartphone/computer to help me deal with it.This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
This Panda hasn't commented anything yet
Hanin Shaqsi • upvoted 10 items 4 years ago
Hanin Shaqsi • upvoted 2 items 5 years ago
How Do You Deal With Sadness?
My way of dealing with sadness might sadden a lot of you, who read this, but here's how I do it. The key point is to distract my mind with anything else that would absorb my attention. Getting to do something creative, such as drawing or writing, surely helps, but that is not so easy when you feel sad, demotivated, exhausted, lazy, and guilty. So... The internet and simple video games are the initial answer. Yep, that means I mostly reach for my smartphone/computer to help me deal with it.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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