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River :)
Community Member
2 posts
25 points
Hey! I've loved writing for a while now and decided to actually share my work. Been obsessed with BP forever so figured this was the best place to start. I love movies, books, music, and fun! I hope y'all enjoy reading what I have for you!
River :) • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
30 Students And Parents Call Out Their Teachers Who Were So Wrong, They Shouldn’t Be Teaching Anyone
Show All 9 Comments
River :) • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song And Why?
I'd say Blinding lights by weeknd. It came during the times of COVID. And I used to listen songs during online class. Well, classes were boring. This song got stuck in my head. For the past two years, it is the song I listened the most on spotify too. Now I listen to it for the same reason I began to listen it. To escape this boring reality and just vibe for some time. Totally worth it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Oddly Specific That You Want To Talk About?
How bluey is so relatable.. Im almost 18 just loungin on a sofa. Then bluey comes on and im literally like wow this is hilarious, cute, relatable, and their accents are amazing. So yeah bluey is underatted and whoever created that master peice needs to be acknowledged lolHey Pandas, What Are The Most Overrated Things Nowadays?
Goddamn politics. This needs to go away. I don't know what system to replace it but the cult followings and popularity contests it has all devolved into are childish and keeping us as a whole from reaching our potential. I can imagine a Galactic organization of civilizations occasionally checking in on us - "No, they are nowhere near ready for contact."Hey Pandas, What Are The Most Overrated Things Nowadays?
Grading on the curve. Students should be graded on their own accomplishments, their own progress.Hey Pandas, What Are The Most Overrated Things Nowadays?
Most reality "stars", namely the Kardashian/Jenners.Show All 16 Upvotes
River :) • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
River :) • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
River :) • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
River :) • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
River :) • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
30 Students And Parents Call Out Their Teachers Who Were So Wrong, They Shouldn’t Be Teaching Anyone
River :) • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song And Why?
I'd say Blinding lights by weeknd. It came during the times of COVID. And I used to listen songs during online class. Well, classes were boring. This song got stuck in my head. For the past two years, it is the song I listened the most on spotify too. Now I listen to it for the same reason I began to listen it. To escape this boring reality and just vibe for some time. Totally worth it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Oddly Specific That You Want To Talk About?
How bluey is so relatable.. Im almost 18 just loungin on a sofa. Then bluey comes on and im literally like wow this is hilarious, cute, relatable, and their accents are amazing. So yeah bluey is underatted and whoever created that master peice needs to be acknowledged lolHey Pandas, What Are The Most Overrated Things Nowadays?
Grading on the curve. Students should be graded on their own accomplishments, their own progress.Hey Pandas, What Are The Most Overrated Things Nowadays?
Goddamn politics. This needs to go away. I don't know what system to replace it but the cult followings and popularity contests it has all devolved into are childish and keeping us as a whole from reaching our potential. I can imagine a Galactic organization of civilizations occasionally checking in on us - "No, they are nowhere near ready for contact."This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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