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Graham Baker
Community Member
1 posts
864 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Graham Baker • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Graham Baker • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
Graham Baker • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
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Graham Baker • upvoted 19 items 2 years ago
C4bl3Fl4m3 reply
This isn't one I've held off on, but it's one that once I got it, it's replaced a bunch of other ingredients for its ease of use. Sambal Oelek. Regardless of cuisine, if a recipe calls for hot peppers, no longer do I bother with trying to keep them in my fridge, chopping them up, etc. A spoonful of sambal oelek goes in, done. (The only exception is for pickled jalapenos in nachos or roasted green chiles.) (And, yes, this may make me "bad," but I'm disabled and I only have so much energy for cooking, even if I love to do it. Making one step easier with minimal negative effects? I'm there for it.) (And this is from someone who doesn't like the flavor of sriracha, so I replace it with sambal oelek in recipes too.)C4bl3Fl4m3 reply
This isn't one I've held off on, but it's one that once I got it, it's replaced a bunch of other ingredients for its ease of use. Sambal Oelek. Regardless of cuisine, if a recipe calls for hot peppers, no longer do I bother with trying to keep them in my fridge, chopping them up, etc. A spoonful of sambal oelek goes in, done. (The only exception is for pickled jalapenos in nachos or roasted green chiles.) (And, yes, this may make me "bad," but I'm disabled and I only have so much energy for cooking, even if I love to do it. Making one step easier with minimal negative effects? I'm there for it.) (And this is from someone who doesn't like the flavor of sriracha, so I replace it with sambal oelek in recipes too.)Sienna-hart reply
Earbuds/headphones. Used to think people who paid over $20 for earbuds were ridiculous. Eventually got tired of my $12 ones breaking or being such low quality.Show All 19 Upvotes
Graham Baker • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
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Graham Baker • upvoted 6 items 3 years ago
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Graham Baker • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Graham Baker • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Graham Baker • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Graham Baker • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
Graham Baker • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
Graham Baker • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
Graham Baker • upvoted 18 items 2 years ago
C4bl3Fl4m3 reply
This isn't one I've held off on, but it's one that once I got it, it's replaced a bunch of other ingredients for its ease of use. Sambal Oelek. Regardless of cuisine, if a recipe calls for hot peppers, no longer do I bother with trying to keep them in my fridge, chopping them up, etc. A spoonful of sambal oelek goes in, done. (The only exception is for pickled jalapenos in nachos or roasted green chiles.) (And, yes, this may make me "bad," but I'm disabled and I only have so much energy for cooking, even if I love to do it. Making one step easier with minimal negative effects? I'm there for it.) (And this is from someone who doesn't like the flavor of sriracha, so I replace it with sambal oelek in recipes too.)Sienna-hart reply
Earbuds/headphones. Used to think people who paid over $20 for earbuds were ridiculous. Eventually got tired of my $12 ones breaking or being such low quality.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Graham Baker • 33 followers