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Gloria Bethallen
Community Member
3 posts
819 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Gloria Bethallen • upvoted 34 items 2 years ago
Reddit post
This is about my adoptive grandfather and it took place in the 1960s. He owned a big farm in the country and was a truck driver. At the neighboring farm, the father in the family traveled for work and had 3 young daughters at home. One day the wife talked to my grandfather and said that the girls were seeing a man looking and potentially trying to get into their windows at night. My grandfather took the law into his own hands to rid the neighborhood of the sexual predator. He made a grid of wire outside the windows and energized it with an electric fence charger. He then sat patiently inside the house with his shotgun that night. Sure enough, around the time the girls reported seeing the man he heard cries as the man became tangled in the wire and was getting shocked. By the time he got outside, the man, now a bloody mess, had freed himself and was running towards the corn field. My grandfather peppered his ass with some birdshot and he ran through the rows of corn. The man never returned. He also single handingly confronted and took on a mob family that was running an illegal waste disposal service in the country and poisoning the land. Law enforcement were scared of this mob family, but my grandfather won and got them legally removed. He was tough as nails and a proud WWII vet, I miss him dearly.30 Of The Funniest And Wittiest Nicknames People Ever Had, According To Folks In This Twitter Thread
30 Of The Funniest And Wittiest Nicknames People Ever Had, According To Folks In This Twitter Thread
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Gloria Bethallen • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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Gloria Bethallen • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
Gloria Bethallen • submitted 20 list additions 2 years ago
Gloria Bethallen • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Gloria Bethallen • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
For Our 5-Year Anniversary I Wrote 50 Notes With Things I Love About My GF And Put Them In A Jar That I Am About To Gift Her. Wish Me Luck
Reddit post
This is about my adoptive grandfather and it took place in the 1960s. He owned a big farm in the country and was a truck driver. At the neighboring farm, the father in the family traveled for work and had 3 young daughters at home. One day the wife talked to my grandfather and said that the girls were seeing a man looking and potentially trying to get into their windows at night. My grandfather took the law into his own hands to rid the neighborhood of the sexual predator. He made a grid of wire outside the windows and energized it with an electric fence charger. He then sat patiently inside the house with his shotgun that night. Sure enough, around the time the girls reported seeing the man he heard cries as the man became tangled in the wire and was getting shocked. By the time he got outside, the man, now a bloody mess, had freed himself and was running towards the corn field. My grandfather peppered his ass with some birdshot and he ran through the rows of corn. The man never returned. He also single handingly confronted and took on a mob family that was running an illegal waste disposal service in the country and poisoning the land. Law enforcement were scared of this mob family, but my grandfather won and got them legally removed. He was tough as nails and a proud WWII vet, I miss him dearly. Gloria Bethallen • is following 6 people
Gloria Bethallen • 4 followers