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George Bush
Community Member
1 posts
22 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
George Bush • submitted a new post 1 year ago
George Bush • commented on 29 posts 1 year ago
Show All 29 Comments
George Bush • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Everyone Loves To Do Byt You Hate With A Burning Passion?
STICKERS/ PAINTING ON BODY/ TATTOOS/ FAKE TATTOOS/ TAPE ON SKIN OR USED /ANYTHING LIKE THAT I HATE THEM!! They are just so gross and I gag and almost puke when I see them and there are stickers everywhere there just so nasty and sticky and ughh one time story time we’ll I was sitting there minding my own business then some gross kid on my bus but this nasty DISGUSTING shiney gold tape near me and I jumped and him and these other girls thought it was so funny that I was “scared” of tape and I was about to puke THEN HE PUT IT ON MY SHIRT and I almost puked I got nauseous and the girls were laughing and I was so grossed out. Later found out the gross boy had a crush on me yeah that’s a no for me.Hey Pandas, What's Something You've Been Afraid Of Since You Were Little?
The grinch, my father, this one was when i was younger and watched them but this YouTube channel who had this thing called project zorgo in it or project z they would basically kidnap the YouTubers (it was obviously fake bc it would be like subscribe to help her be free) but I switched to a bunk bed and they were masked men in black outfits and I always thought they would grab me.Show All 4 Upvotes
George Bush • submitted 6 list additions 1 year ago
George Bush • submitted a new post 1 year ago
George Bush • submitted 6 list additions 1 year ago
George Bush • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
George Bush • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You've Been Afraid Of Since You Were Little?
The grinch, my father, this one was when i was younger and watched them but this YouTube channel who had this thing called project zorgo in it or project z they would basically kidnap the YouTubers (it was obviously fake bc it would be like subscribe to help her be free) but I switched to a bunk bed and they were masked men in black outfits and I always thought they would grab me.Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Everyone Loves To Do Byt You Hate With A Burning Passion?
STICKERS/ PAINTING ON BODY/ TATTOOS/ FAKE TATTOOS/ TAPE ON SKIN OR USED /ANYTHING LIKE THAT I HATE THEM!! They are just so gross and I gag and almost puke when I see them and there are stickers everywhere there just so nasty and sticky and ughh one time story time we’ll I was sitting there minding my own business then some gross kid on my bus but this nasty DISGUSTING shiney gold tape near me and I jumped and him and these other girls thought it was so funny that I was “scared” of tape and I was about to puke THEN HE PUT IT ON MY SHIRT and I almost puked I got nauseous and the girls were laughing and I was so grossed out. Later found out the gross boy had a crush on me yeah that’s a no for me.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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