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1 posts
8 points
I’m am a bunny lover and a unicorn hunter. I love books and astrology. 🐰✨
GalacticLion • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
Show All 11 Comments
GalacticLion • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Two Truths And A Lie
1. I memorize a tongue twister in a day. 2. It took me only 5 hours to read a 500 page book. 3. I only read mysteries.Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
When I was in elementary school I had a friend. She would bully me one day then the next act so sweet. She would spread cruel rumors about me and then act so innocent. Once when we were partnered to do a project I created the idea and got an A+ but she took all the credit for my brilliant idea and said I was so lazy and pathetic. She was popular so she got away with that. But during the state test I caught her cheating and ratted her out. She was held back a year and transferred because she was embarrassed. Ha payback.Hey Pandas, Let's Play Two Truths And A Lie
1. I memorize a tongue twister in a day. 2. It took me only 5 hours to read a 500 page book. 3. I only read mysteries.Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
When I was in elementary school I had a friend. She would bully me one day then the next act so sweet. She would spread cruel rumors about me and then act so innocent. Once when we were partnered to do a project I created the idea and got an A+ but she took all the credit for my brilliant idea and said I was so lazy and pathetic. She was popular so she got away with that. But during the state test I caught her cheating and ratted her out. She was held back a year and transferred because she was embarrassed. Ha payback.Show All 4 Upvotes
GalacticLion • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
GalacticLion • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
GalacticLion • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
GalacticLion • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Two Truths And A Lie
1. I memorize a tongue twister in a day. 2. It took me only 5 hours to read a 500 page book. 3. I only read mysteries.Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
When I was in elementary school I had a friend. She would bully me one day then the next act so sweet. She would spread cruel rumors about me and then act so innocent. Once when we were partnered to do a project I created the idea and got an A+ but she took all the credit for my brilliant idea and said I was so lazy and pathetic. She was popular so she got away with that. But during the state test I caught her cheating and ratted her out. She was held back a year and transferred because she was embarrassed. Ha payback.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
GalacticLion • 46 followers