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The Redhead
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
MrMythiiK reply
This is not a secret but isn’t well known:
Getting an ambulance ride doesn’t get you seen at the hospital faster. They just triage you (sort you by severity) like everyone else. You can get an ambulance ride for a broken finger and then sit in the waiting room for 6 hours, having just wasted the money on an ambulance.
Call an uber or get driven/drive yourself.
Edit: Yes people, if you’re having an emergency definitely DO call and ambulance, and you probably WILL get seen right away.
However, you’re not being seen right away BECAUSE you took the ambulance, you’re being seen right away because you’re critically ill/injured. If someone were to drive you while you’re having a heart attack (which I DO NOT recommend) then you would be seen right away as well. It’s an injury severity thing not an ambulance vs taxi thing.
Hey Pandas, What's Something Customers Can Do To Make Your Life Easier?
Part of my job had to do with meeting clients to help them complete paperwork for their own benefit, but appointments were often back to back. Be on time, for pete's sake. Whenever you waltz in is not when I will see you, so be prepared to make another appointment.
flowerygirliexx reply
Weed. I don't understand how people enjoy it. Just gave me panic attacks. Never again.
phatalphreak reply
For years my pin number was the radio frequency of an old rock station that no longer exists. I used that pin for like 10 years, then one night, watching Futurama. Fry says the pin for his debit card, the price of a slice of pepperoni and a large coke or something like that, 10.77.....MF just blurts out MY SPECIAL PIN NUMBER THAT ONLY I KNEW!! Had to change it after that. The station btw was 107.7 The End, an old alternative rock station out of Seattle.
flowerygirliexx reply
Weed. I don't understand how people enjoy it. Just gave me panic attacks. Never again.
phatalphreak reply
For years my pin number was the radio frequency of an old rock station that no longer exists. I used that pin for like 10 years, then one night, watching Futurama. Fry says the pin for his debit card, the price of a slice of pepperoni and a large coke or something like that, 10.77.....MF just blurts out MY SPECIAL PIN NUMBER THAT ONLY I KNEW!! Had to change it after that. The station btw was 107.7 The End, an old alternative rock station out of Seattle.
Hey Pandas, What Conspiracy Theory You Actually Believe?
I don’t strongly believe this, but sometimes I wonder about if COVID was made in a lab. Just the fact that it’s so contagious, that it affects so many areas of the body (not just the lungs but the brain as well), makes me feel like it was a biological weapon that escaped before it was ready (hence it’s not lethal enough) and before they had made a better way to control it.
Hey Pandas, Is There Something That Puts You On Edge, But Most People Feel The Opposite Way About? (Closed)
MrMythiiK reply
This is not a secret but isn’t well known:
Getting an ambulance ride doesn’t get you seen at the hospital faster. They just triage you (sort you by severity) like everyone else. You can get an ambulance ride for a broken finger and then sit in the waiting room for 6 hours, having just wasted the money on an ambulance.
Call an uber or get driven/drive yourself.
Edit: Yes people, if you’re having an emergency definitely DO call and ambulance, and you probably WILL get seen right away.
However, you’re not being seen right away BECAUSE you took the ambulance, you’re being seen right away because you’re critically ill/injured. If someone were to drive you while you’re having a heart attack (which I DO NOT recommend) then you would be seen right away as well. It’s an injury severity thing not an ambulance vs taxi thing.