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4 posts
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Franziska • upvoted an item 5 months ago
Franziska • commented on 9 posts 6 months ago
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Franziska • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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Franziska • upvoted 18 items 1 year ago
Millenial_X reply
Getting offended when someone makes a mistake. You're not going to die if some random stranger on the net doesn't know the difference between their, there, and they're. Also getting offended by someone's personal preferences. So what if some people prefer iPhone over android, DC over Marvel, or cream in their coffee. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not like they listen to Justin Beiber.Random-Facts-Dougiesharpe
At 2:30 in the morning, sheep farmer John Wierwille, awoke to hear a commotion on his property. He went outside to see his sheep backed into a corner of the fence surrounded by 11 coyotes and his guard dogs, Casper and Daisy standing between them.Casper charged at the coyotes, most likely to get their attention off Daisy, who was then pregnant with 8 puppies. The fight resulted in many of the coyotes dead and a missing Casper. A few days later, Casper returned home with his bruised and beaten. John took Casper to the vet and, after the dog was nice and healthy again, they returned home. Now he is an inside dog.
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Franziska • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
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Franziska • submitted 4 new posts 3 years ago
Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, If One Day You Could Just Behave The Way You Wanted Towards Customers - Without Any Consequence - What Would You Do Or Say To That One Customer? (Closed)
Franziska • submitted 19 list additions 3 years ago
Franziska • commented on 9 posts 6 months ago
Franziska • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
Franziska • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
Franziska • upvoted an item 5 months ago
Franziska • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Franziska • upvoted 14 items 1 year ago
Millenial_X reply
Getting offended when someone makes a mistake. You're not going to die if some random stranger on the net doesn't know the difference between their, there, and they're. Also getting offended by someone's personal preferences. So what if some people prefer iPhone over android, DC over Marvel, or cream in their coffee. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not like they listen to Justin Beiber.Random-Facts-Dougiesharpe
At 2:30 in the morning, sheep farmer John Wierwille, awoke to hear a commotion on his property. He went outside to see his sheep backed into a corner of the fence surrounded by 11 coyotes and his guard dogs, Casper and Daisy standing between them.Casper charged at the coyotes, most likely to get their attention off Daisy, who was then pregnant with 8 puppies. The fight resulted in many of the coyotes dead and a missing Casper. A few days later, Casper returned home with his bruised and beaten. John took Casper to the vet and, after the dog was nice and healthy again, they returned home. Now he is an inside dog.
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