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"Disembodied voice"
Community Member
I am but a voice stuck on this spinning rock we call home.
Adventurous_Book3023 reply
Léo Major.
During the summer of 1944, while he was out on a solo reconnaissance mission, he spotted two German soldiers nearby. Without hesitation, he killed one and captured the other. Then he went after their commanding officer and a whole German garrison, taking down a few more soldiers along the way. Even when under fire from other Germans, he just kept walking and, on his own, managed to capture 93 German soldiers. ON HIS OWN.
In 1945, Leo was in hit a landmine while in a truck, breaking his back, ribs, and both ankles. They told him he'd be discharged. Leo didn’t care. So he snuck out of the field hospital, stayed with a Dutch family until he recovered, and then made his way back to his battalion. He volunteered to scout out the city of Zwolle and, once he set off, decided he’d just take the city himself.
He convinced a German soldier to deliver a message to the German forces, and then spent the night causing havoc around the city. He fired shots, threw grenades, captured soldiers, and cleared out the SS building. His strategy worked so well that the Germans thought the entire Canadian army was invading, BUT IT WAS ONLY F*****G LEO. By morning, the town was empty of Germans, and the Canadian army strolled right in. It literally took him one night.
Fun fact: he also had an eyepatch. He lost his eye earlier because of a grenade. But decided he could still be a sniper.