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I is rainbow
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I is rainbow • upvoted 22 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
My 7th grade teacher said I would never amount to anything.Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
"You're hideous!" I don't know why but this hit me super hard when a boy yelled this at me. I burst into tears and ran away. The only good thing that came out of it was the fact that about three other boys yelled at him for saying that afterwards and he apologized.Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
- "I can't trust you with secrets," (meaning they think I am untrustworthy) - "You don't have any privacy in this house" (courtesy of my parents) - "You're not bisexual, you're just confused" (this one hurt me the most considering it was biphobic)Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
Someone once told me and it was a member of my family no matter what you do to yourself you will never be a pretty as your 2 sisters.That hurt me deeply.Hey Pandas, What's A Really Small Thing That's Made A Really Big Difference In Your Life?
Anxiety medicine. You have no idea how much that helped me get through the day.Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
Someone told me with my attitude, I'll never have friend in the future. I was 12 years old. Since then, I've had a negative view on myself. It's been 10 years.Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
I had a discussion with my former boss about pricing a product. I calculated the price, typed the signboard and he told me my math is wrong. I calculated again... Same outcome. Told him that I was right, he said I'm not. I showed him my calculations and said: "Look! It's correct. I'm not stupid." And he looked me dead in the eye and said:" Yes! You are." The only thing that was stupid for him was that I was right. I never got an apology. I was 17 and a trainee at the timeHey Pandas, What's A Really Small Thing That's Made A Really Big Difference In Your Life?
A daith piercing in my left ear. Also called a migraine piercing. I have scoliosis (not bad enough to warrant surgery), and meds would either stop working after a while, or permanently damage my liver. Two years ago I got it done and my aural migraines went down by like 90%. I don´t care if it is a placebo effect or real. It helped.Show All 22 Upvotes
I is rainbow • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
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I is rainbow • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
I is rainbow • submitted a new post 3 years ago
I is rainbow • submitted a new post 3 years ago
I is rainbow • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
I is rainbow • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
I is rainbow • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
My 7th grade teacher said I would never amount to anything.Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
"You're hideous!" I don't know why but this hit me super hard when a boy yelled this at me. I burst into tears and ran away. The only good thing that came out of it was the fact that about three other boys yelled at him for saying that afterwards and he apologized.Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
- "I can't trust you with secrets," (meaning they think I am untrustworthy) - "You don't have any privacy in this house" (courtesy of my parents) - "You're not bisexual, you're just confused" (this one hurt me the most considering it was biphobic)Interesting-Today-I-Learned-Facts
TIL that during WW1, the MI5 used Girl Guides to deliver secret messages. They used Girl Guides instead of Boy Scouts because they found out that Boy Scouts weren't efficient enough, boisterous and talkative.Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Surprising Thing You’ve Learned About A Family Member When You Googled Them?
i looked up my name, a funeral home came up... i think the world is trying to tell me something...Hey Pandas, What Is (Stay Somewhat Family-Friendly) The Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To You?
Someone told me with my attitude, I'll never have friend in the future. I was 12 years old. Since then, I've had a negative view on myself. It's been 10 years.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
I is rainbow • 34 followers