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1 posts
25 points
My legal name is Andrew but most people call me Manupupule or just Manu for short.
I was on the red carpet once after my art was put in the movie Seeds of Aloha about a Multi-Grammy Award Winner, go check it out. Since then I have painted for many movie and music stars, a couple tribal chiefs and average every day normal people too! I love traveling learning about different cultures & animals and using my skills as an artist to help others.
Manupupule • upvoted 25 items 7 years ago
Ayahuasca Visions Showed Artist An Ancient Woodworking Technique That He Is Now Using To Produce Unique Wood Sculptures
Ayahuasca Visions Showed Artist An Ancient Woodworking Technique That He Is Now Using To Produce Unique Wood Sculptures
Ayahuasca Visions Showed Artist An Ancient Woodworking Technique That He Is Now Using To Produce Unique Wood Sculptures
Show All 25 Upvotes
Manupupule • upvoted an item 9 years ago
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Manupupule • upvoted 20 items 7 years ago
Ayahuasca Visions Showed Artist An Ancient Woodworking Technique That He Is Now Using To Produce Unique Wood Sculptures
Ayahuasca Visions Showed Artist An Ancient Woodworking Technique That He Is Now Using To Produce Unique Wood Sculptures
Ayahuasca Visions Showed Artist An Ancient Woodworking Technique That He Is Now Using To Produce Unique Wood Sculptures
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