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Simisayo Brownstone
Community Member
1 posts
69 points
By day, I'm an entrepreneur, crunching numbers and developing business plans. By night, I'm a disorganized mom trying to keep up with tantrums and dirty dishes. When I find time for myself, I spend it daydreaming about what it would be like to live in a world with real magic. A world where eating cotton candy makes you skinny and butterflies can transport you through time. And even though I know I'm no longer 16, I secretly hope that I'll one day find out I have super powers. Teleportation would be nice. Until that day comes, I write.
Simisayo Brownstone • submitted a new post 5 years ago
Simisayo Brownstone • upvoted an item 6 years ago
Simisayo Brownstone • submitted a new post 5 years ago
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Simisayo Brownstone • upvoted an item 6 years ago
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Simisayo Brownstone • 3 followers