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Rachelle Meyer
Community Member
1 posts
177 points
I'm an American illustrator and cartoonist living in Amsterdam.
Rachelle Meyer • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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Rachelle Meyer • upvoted 4 items 2 years ago
I Sketched Fellow Passengers On The Ferry In Amsterdam In A Tiny Sketchbook, Here's The Result (30 Pics)
arabelladfigg reply
I met Renee Zellweger and she was so much kinder than I ever could have imagined. This was when hurricane Harvey hit Texas. I was working at Austin Pets Alive and we took in thousands of animals from hard hit areas. It was insane. One day Renee Zellweger just showed up to volunteer. No warning, no fanfare. In fact, the only reason I noticed her is that she was wearing long sleeves and long pants and it was august in Texas. She spent a week volunteering. She did laundry, cleaned out poop covered crates, and drove vans of dogs from Houston to Austin (not a pleasant job with the smell and the barking). I hope this doesn’t get buried because she was truly amazing. So so nice and hardworking. The laundry room was next to my office so we became friendly over the week she was there. There are multiple news articles about this so it’s legit. Forever a fan.Show All 4 Upvotes
Rachelle Meyer • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Rachelle Meyer • upvoted 19 items 6 years ago
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Rachelle Meyer • commented on 12 posts 6 years ago
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Rachelle Meyer • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Rachelle Meyer • submitted 20 list additions 6 years ago
Rachelle Meyer • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
Rachelle Meyer • commented on 15 posts 6 years ago
Rachelle Meyer • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
arabelladfigg reply
I met Renee Zellweger and she was so much kinder than I ever could have imagined. This was when hurricane Harvey hit Texas. I was working at Austin Pets Alive and we took in thousands of animals from hard hit areas. It was insane. One day Renee Zellweger just showed up to volunteer. No warning, no fanfare. In fact, the only reason I noticed her is that she was wearing long sleeves and long pants and it was august in Texas. She spent a week volunteering. She did laundry, cleaned out poop covered crates, and drove vans of dogs from Houston to Austin (not a pleasant job with the smell and the barking). I hope this doesn’t get buried because she was truly amazing. So so nice and hardworking. The laundry room was next to my office so we became friendly over the week she was there. There are multiple news articles about this so it’s legit. Forever a fan. Rachelle Meyer • upvoted 7 items 6 years ago
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