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Little Wolf
Community Member
1 posts
2K points
i like animals and drawing. I own two chickens and a cat and enjoy writing
Little Wolf • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
30 Sweet Comics My Brother Created To Help Me Introduce The Stories And Characters From My Children's Book
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Little Wolf • upvoted 32 items 2 years ago
He Pouted Like This And Whispered Under His Breath For 5 Minutes Because I Wouldn’t Let Him Chew On My Phone Case
My Dad was a GP (he retired about ten years ago). He had a couple - lovely people, very young, a bit unworldly - come to see him to discuss their failure to conceive, about thirty years ago, when I was ten or so. He was bright enough to ask what they were doing in bed. They had BOTH somehow come to the conclusion that what was needed to make a baby was penis/belly button contact. I have no idea how anybody was getting any satisfaction, or how on earth they kept believing this after doing it once - it must have been a horrible experience. He explained (literally) the facts of life to them, and on coming home had THE TALK with me and my brother, just in case we were also stupid. The couple in question ended up with two kids. Good old Dad.weirdest-things-heard-from-a-pregnant-woman
I work on a busy labour ward. Took a call from a woman who wanted to ask me about a pregnancy test result. I tried to explain that we are for the other end of the pregnancy but she wasn’t really getting it so for an easy life I just thought f**k it and told her to go ahead. Her - I had a baby 12 weeks ago and I’ve just done a pregnancy test and it was positive. What does it mean? Me - can I ask you a few more questions? Her - sure Me - Than kyou. Firstly, had you stopped bleeding after having your baby? Her - yes Me - have you had unprotected s*x? Her - yes Me - have you had any early pregnancy symptoms? Her - well I’ve been feeling sick in the morning. That’s why I did the test. Me - I see. Well from the information you’ve given me then the test may indeed be right and you may indeed be pregnant. Her - but I can’t be. I’m breastfeeding. I haven’t had a period yet after having the baby. Me - (taking deep breath) didn’t your midwife tell you about contraception before you left the hospital? Her - yes Me - did you get any? Her - no..... Her - oh.... s**t. I get so many women who think they can’t get pregnant if they are breastfeeding. It’s bollocks. If you’re reading this, breastfeeding, not using contraception and not wanting to have a baby in about 9 months time, then stay away from all penises until you’ve got yourself sorted. Don’t wait for your first period. You’re fertile before it even happens.weirdest-things-heard-from-a-pregnant-woman
It goes like this: Me: Your pregnancy test came back positive. PT: Oh, I couldn’t be! Me: Are you sexually active? PT: Yes Me: Are you using any birth control? Pt: No Me: Then why don’t you think you could be pregnant? Pt: Because I couldn’t be! Me: ... Repeat scene many times over past 20 years. Denial is not a river in Egypt.Red_Archived_505 reply
From my own experience, I don’t like the thought of bringing a kid into the world we live in. I’d much sooner adopt a kid who’s in a shifty place or in a struggling area. There are millions of kids starving out there, there are millions of kids being abused out there. Rather save one of them than bring another kid into this retched placeShow All 32 Upvotes
Little Wolf • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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Little Wolf • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Little Wolf • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
Little Wolf • upvoted 18 items 2 years ago
He Pouted Like This And Whispered Under His Breath For 5 Minutes Because I Wouldn’t Let Him Chew On My Phone Case
Little Wolf • 46 followers