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I’m A Pan-Duh (They/Them)
Community Member
Pansexual and Demigender pride. All lives matter. Love to read, write, swim, bike, bake, and draw. I play the flute, oboe, and soon the viola.
Nathan Hahn Was Arrested In 1940 For Wearing Female Clothing And Refused To Wear The Male Clothing Presented To Him By Detective Holt
Poinsettia917 reply
Chick-Fil-A. They cause horrific traffic jams. One just opened and it’s already making everyone around miserable. It’s a damn sandwich.anon reply
Went on a date with a guy yesterday who was a christian (I'm an atheist, but that's fine) and went on an unprompted monologue about how homosexuality is not God's will (not fine). I am a man, we were both men, it was a gay date. It was very confusing.
Hey Pandas, What’re Some Song Lyrics That Describe What You’re Feeling?
This specific part of Numb Little Bug. Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die? Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive, 'cause you gotta survive. Like your body's in the room but you're not really there?Hey Pandas, What’re Some Song Lyrics That Describe What You’re Feeling?
"I am quantum physics/my witness brings me to existence" - I / Me / Myself, by Will Wood Context for this: I listened to this song a lot while I was figuring out my identity, and this line really stuck with me. I don't really care how people perceive me, I can be whatever gender they see me as.Hey Pandas, What Are Some Overlooked Or Not Very Important Signs Of Mental Disorders?
Being inattentive, changes in sleep pattern, loss or gain of appetite, etc.g13j reply
29 - last year of being in that fruitful 20s stage. People expect that you should know by now. People also expect that you should get married and have kids or else whatever. Spoiler alert: I get tired just by existing.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something Weird Or Funny Your Country Did That Made Laugh Out Loud?
i live in america. so basically everything. 💀monkey_monkey_monkey reply
I went on a date with a guy who owned a local trendy business. It kind of made him a bit of local celebrity. I am an introvert, I don't like attention and prefer to pretend that I am invisible when out in public. We were on our second date at a restaurant, not super fancy but certainly a little romantic date type place. During our dinner, no less than 5 randoms stopped by our table to talk to him. They were all customers and he was trying to balance being an attentive date without totally alienating customers. It was super awkward. He was aware that I was an introvert and was apologetic about it. He suggested that we wrap up dinner, hit up a store to grab some drinks and dessert and go to the beach - a good way to be around less people. In the shop we stopped at, 2 more people came up to him to chat and then at the beach another person stopped and this one actually tried to sit down and join us. At this point, I decided this guy wasn't for me. I really liked him as a person but I couldn't deal with all the attention he attracted. Some how he convinced me to go on a third date which I am glad he did. It's been 20 plus years that we've been together. He's helped me come out of my shell a little and I've taught him the delights of being an introvert and taking some completely people-free weekends. He is my person and I love him more than anything.
No_Hat_5 reply
Mine always Bullied everyone who wasn’t a football player, jock, or “cowboy” he honed in on me because I was a nerd and more feminine. Turns out he had major major regrets about everything and at his last class reunion (he was two years ahead of me) he tried apologizing to people and a lot of people wouldn’t forgive him for what he did. A lot of it was borderline charges should have been filed type stuff, he made a couple kids s*icidal. Well after a lot of people wouldn’t take his apology I guess he went into a major depression and ended up hanging himself and left a letter stating that he hated who he was, and how he treated people and the pain he inflicted on everyone and that he couldn’t live with himself anymore. The really sad thing is I did run into him not too long before this and he did apologize to me (which I’m surprised he recognized me because I am female presenting now) and I accepted it and told him I didn’t hold anything against him. He really seemed sincere and that he changed. But I understand how some couldn’t forgive the trespasses he made upon them. Sad all the way around. This is why everyone just needs to be nice to everyone, even if you don’t like them, like what they do, or whatever. These stories always end in unnecessary sadness or end of life
Mammoth-Director-184 reply
She did an insane amount of growing up during college, including having to uproot her whole life to care for her family after her mom died suddenly. She reached out to me and others I know personally and directly addressed the bullying. We went out to lunch (she bought) and she was incredibly honest. Apologizing and acknowledging what she did and why it was wrong. She’s now running a successful animal rescue organization with her long-term boyfriend and I wish her nothing but happiness.Hey Pandas, What Would You Like To Tell Another Person On Here?
A lot of people on here really seem to be struggling, and I feel you. I really do. I'm not going to tell you it's all going to be fine and good because I can't promise that. But I will tell you that there will always be someone there for you, even if it's a random stranger on bored panda. That said, I am happy to talk if anyone needs toNathan Hahn Was Arrested In 1940 For Wearing Female Clothing And Refused To Wear The Male Clothing Presented To Him By Detective Holt
“Your Mother Owes Me £10”: 30 Of The Best Responses People Ever Received After Coming Out
Hey Pandas, What's Your Most Embarrassing High School Memory?
This didn't happen too long ago, like right before the pandemic hit. I had a really evil teacher. She was pretty racist/homophobic, often "lost" my papers, and tried to get me suspended twice. Anyways, this one time my period came a few days early (and heavy) so I asked her I could go to the bathroom. This was like ten minutes before class ended but she still said no. I discreetly told her what was going on and she pretty much told the whole class I was on my "womanly times". So I bled through my pants and on my chair. And then when class ended, she held back the whole class and had me leave first because I "wanted to go so badly". So my entire class saw the mess. I was f*cking mortified. And nobody could do anything because she was retiring soon. Oh, and the icing on the cake was that I was dating her daughter at the time. So yeah, that didn't work out.Hey Pandas, What's Your Most Embarrassing High School Memory?
In my sophomore year, I had an obsession with stuffed animals. And there was this one boy, who thought it wasn’t very masculine of me, so he decided to pick on me. I was okay with this since he just teased me and called me girly. But one day I thought it would show him if I went to school in a dress with pigtails. He was absent. The principal called me into the office because he thought I might have had a mental disability. 🙃