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Wild Karen
Community Member
1 posts
141 points
I am a wild Karen here to poop on your parade
Wild Karen • commented on 18 posts 1 year ago
Show All 18 Comments
Wild Karen • upvoted 3 items 1 year ago
First Impressions Matter
I’ve interviewed a lot and had some very odd candidates. I’ve also had some cracking interviews as a candidate. One I was called back for second interview with the HR director and the person who would be my line manager. I arrived 10 minutes early and the receptionist sat me in a waiting area just out of sight of the reception desk. While I was waiting someone appeared at reception and asked the receptionist for a report she had been working on. She went to print it and the printer jammed, the person looking for the report called her for everything, shouting, swearing and being a complete arse. A couple of minutes later I was ushered into the interview with said arse. I sat down, thanked them for inviting me and explained I didn’t think their ethos would suit me and left. The HR director called me to ask why I had left, she bloody knew what had happened, the whole office must have heard it.Show All 3 Upvotes
Wild Karen • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
Show All 9 Comments
Wild Karen • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
Show All 5 Upvotes
Wild Karen • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Wild Karen • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Wild Karen • commented on 18 posts 1 year ago
Wild Karen • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
First Impressions Matter
I’ve interviewed a lot and had some very odd candidates. I’ve also had some cracking interviews as a candidate. One I was called back for second interview with the HR director and the person who would be my line manager. I arrived 10 minutes early and the receptionist sat me in a waiting area just out of sight of the reception desk. While I was waiting someone appeared at reception and asked the receptionist for a report she had been working on. She went to print it and the printer jammed, the person looking for the report called her for everything, shouting, swearing and being a complete arse. A couple of minutes later I was ushered into the interview with said arse. I sat down, thanked them for inviting me and explained I didn’t think their ethos would suit me and left. The HR director called me to ask why I had left, she bloody knew what had happened, the whole office must have heard it. Wild Karen • upvoted 15 items 2 years ago
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