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1 posts
224 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Emsy • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
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Emsy • upvoted 36 items 1 year ago
coeurdelejon reply
My gfs grandmother is a very sweet old lady with dementia and diabetes. She loves to cook and we eat lunch at her apartment every sunday. She always has something for dessert but since she is diabetic she doesn't eat it herself. Sometimes she has bought ice-cream or candy but usually she makes something herself. One time she was very proud because she had made something that isn't from our country; she had made frozen cheesecake. She was actually extra proud because she had used three different kinds of cream cheese. But since she's diabetic she hadn't tried it; if she had tried it she would maybe have noticed that since she didn't add any sugar to the cream cheese it had a lot of big ice crystals. She would also have noticed that the three different kinds of cream cheese she used was regular, garlic and chives, and grilled pepper. So there I was, smiling politely, eating icy cream cheese with garlic, chives, grilled peppers, and a bunch of different crushed cookies. I always smile when I think of that hahaSnooRobots8049 reply
Fish. I was in 10th grade and had been vegetarian for a few years at that point. A friend invited me over for dinner, she had moved here from Syria and her mom was really excited she was bringing an American friend over, so the mom made a really big, nice dinner for us all. But she didn't really know what vegetarian was and spoke broken English. She's made this really lovely baked fish dish and a bunch of sides, since fish isn't meat. My friend was embarrassed, but I ate the whole meal because the mom tried really hard and made such a special meal in my honor. I'm still proud of how mature I was in that moment at such a selfish age.mntngrl98 reply
Making choices about women’s rights and women’s bodies when they have no f*****g clue what we as women go through and experience.PinchAssault52 reply
Weddings. Crazy expensive day. Guaranteed at least one relative will kick up a stink. Massive pressure to be The Happiest Day of Your Life. Everything doubles in cost if you say its for a wedding (dress, suit, cake, venue) Just do the quick registry office paperwork, have a surpise party and run away for a long honeymoon with the money you saved.Show All 36 Upvotes
Emsy • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Emsy • submitted 9 list additions 2 years ago
Emsy • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Emsy • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
coeurdelejon reply
My gfs grandmother is a very sweet old lady with dementia and diabetes. She loves to cook and we eat lunch at her apartment every sunday. She always has something for dessert but since she is diabetic she doesn't eat it herself. Sometimes she has bought ice-cream or candy but usually she makes something herself. One time she was very proud because she had made something that isn't from our country; she had made frozen cheesecake. She was actually extra proud because she had used three different kinds of cream cheese. But since she's diabetic she hadn't tried it; if she had tried it she would maybe have noticed that since she didn't add any sugar to the cream cheese it had a lot of big ice crystals. She would also have noticed that the three different kinds of cream cheese she used was regular, garlic and chives, and grilled pepper. So there I was, smiling politely, eating icy cream cheese with garlic, chives, grilled peppers, and a bunch of different crushed cookies. I always smile when I think of that hahaSnooRobots8049 reply
Fish. I was in 10th grade and had been vegetarian for a few years at that point. A friend invited me over for dinner, she had moved here from Syria and her mom was really excited she was bringing an American friend over, so the mom made a really big, nice dinner for us all. But she didn't really know what vegetarian was and spoke broken English. She's made this really lovely baked fish dish and a bunch of sides, since fish isn't meat. My friend was embarrassed, but I ate the whole meal because the mom tried really hard and made such a special meal in my honor. I'm still proud of how mature I was in that moment at such a selfish age.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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