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5 posts
34 points
Just another person on this floating space rock looking to hear,connect and talk to other floaters. Been here too long but then again not long enough. Life is the only game in which the purpose is to learn the let’s play!
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • upvoted an item 1 year ago
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • commented on 12 posts 3 years ago
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Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • started following 8 people 3 years ago
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Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • upvoted 12 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Thing About Your Parents?
I love how they take care of me, the provide for me, and they're always fair.Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Thing About Your Parents?
other people tell me their parents are absolutely horrible with tech, but my parents are the opposite. My mom is an I.T technician person for video visits for a healthcare company, who helps people if there is something wrong with their video visits with their doctors. She plays best fiends when she's not working or sleeping. My dad is a chef at a BBQ place who rages at call of duty with my two uncles. He sometimes lets me and my brother play. He's super laid back, and tells me about all the cool things he did in his childhood. Their both just incredible parents in general. :)Hey Pandas, What Do You Miss The Most?
i miss the vactaion i usealy go on with my family on winter brakeHey Pandas, What Do You Miss The Most?
I just miss hanging with my friends in the city. Going places, meeting people. Even hugging! I hope the lockdown will end soon and we will forget this virus ever existed.Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Thing About Your Parents?
I love my mom even though she had a lot od problems while I was growing up. She tried her best to make me a good person and I hope she succeded. I've never had a dad.Pandas, What Is Something You Like, But Are Ashamed Of Revealing?
Uhh probably watching my little pony 6 times as a teen (still my comfort show) ITS AMAZING dont judge meShow All 12 Upvotes
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
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Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • submitted 5 new posts 3 years ago
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • commented on 15 posts 3 years ago
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Pandas, What Is Something You Like, But Are Ashamed Of Revealing?
I normally like kids movies and shows. It’s embarrassing especially since a lot of people I know were watching r rated movies when they were 9Pandas, What Is Something You Like, But Are Ashamed Of Revealing?
Uhh probably watching my little pony 6 times as a teen (still my comfort show) ITS AMAZING dont judge me"What Is Something You Like, But Are Ashamed Of Revealing "
I love kpop and BTS , but since people in my country are not in favour , i dont tell people !Hey Pandas, What Do You Miss The Most?
i miss the vactaion i usealy go on with my family on winter brakeHey Pandas, What Do You Miss The Most?
I just miss hanging with my friends in the city. Going places, meeting people. Even hugging! I hope the lockdown will end soon and we will forget this virus ever existed.Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Thing About Your Parents?
I love how they take care of me, the provide for me, and they're always fair.Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Thing About Your Parents?
other people tell me their parents are absolutely horrible with tech, but my parents are the opposite. My mom is an I.T technician person for video visits for a healthcare company, who helps people if there is something wrong with their video visits with their doctors. She plays best fiends when she's not working or sleeping. My dad is a chef at a BBQ place who rages at call of duty with my two uncles. He sometimes lets me and my brother play. He's super laid back, and tells me about all the cool things he did in his childhood. Their both just incredible parents in general. :)Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Thing About Your Parents?
I love my mom even though she had a lot od problems while I was growing up. She tried her best to make me a good person and I hope she succeded. I've never had a dad. Art, Comics
Artist Shows How This Film's Creators Plagiarized His Original Idea And Did Not Even Credit Him
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • is following 19 people
Ellie_olliE_ocEan_frEE • 12 followers