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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Bookish • commented on 7 posts 1 year ago
Show All 7 Comments
Bookish • upvoted 15 items 1 year ago
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
Hey Pandas, What Are The Worst Fashion Trends Ever Created?
Half Mast Trousers… but they can be amusing! Many years ago I was on a train with my friend. We were sitting opposite an older woman who was probably in her late 60s, early 70s. Well dressed, small solid heel on her shoes, handbag primly in lap. About two stops up three young lads (about 16) with droopy draws came lopping onto the train and sat down, two next to us, one next to the other lady. They were just being typical teenage boys, a bit loud (but not rude) and sitting legs akimbo. They commented where they were getting off a couple of stops later, and I watched as the lady glanced down, then subtly moved the heel of her left shoe and plant it firmly on the tattered hem of the boys jeans and shift her weight to that side of her body. I could see what was coming so I nudged my friend and told her to watch. The woman’s face was still the perfect picture of serenity. Sure enough, the lads stop came and all three went to get of the train. Except, when the kid with the now tethered hemline stepped off his jeans went *thwup* and fell down around his ankles causing him to pitch forward and faceplant on the train floor. The best bit… He was going commando that day! Mrs Prim is all like “Oh my dear! Are you ok?” As the kid hurriedly stood up and threw himself towards the door frantically trying to pull his jeans back up while his mates hysterically howled! My friend and I started to giggle. It was only then that the woman looked us directly in the eye and said in the MOST proper term… “**** that was fun!” Best. Train. Ride. Ever!Show All 15 Upvotes
Bookish • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Bookish • submitted a new post 1 year ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Bookish • commented on 7 posts 1 year ago
Bookish • upvoted 17 items 1 year ago
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
During Our Exploration Of Abandoned Factory, We Were Surprised By Unexpected Finds Of Classic Cars (17 Pics)
Hey Pandas, What Are The Worst Fashion Trends Ever Created?
Small pockets for women so we’d have to carry purses. I hate holding things in my hands. Including purses.Hey Pandas, What Are The Worst Fashion Trends Ever Created?
Half Mast Trousers… but they can be amusing! Many years ago I was on a train with my friend. We were sitting opposite an older woman who was probably in her late 60s, early 70s. Well dressed, small solid heel on her shoes, handbag primly in lap. About two stops up three young lads (about 16) with droopy draws came lopping onto the train and sat down, two next to us, one next to the other lady. They were just being typical teenage boys, a bit loud (but not rude) and sitting legs akimbo. They commented where they were getting off a couple of stops later, and I watched as the lady glanced down, then subtly moved the heel of her left shoe and plant it firmly on the tattered hem of the boys jeans and shift her weight to that side of her body. I could see what was coming so I nudged my friend and told her to watch. The woman’s face was still the perfect picture of serenity. Sure enough, the lads stop came and all three went to get of the train. Except, when the kid with the now tethered hemline stepped off his jeans went *thwup* and fell down around his ankles causing him to pitch forward and faceplant on the train floor. The best bit… He was going commando that day! Mrs Prim is all like “Oh my dear! Are you ok?” As the kid hurriedly stood up and threw himself towards the door frantically trying to pull his jeans back up while his mates hysterically howled! My friend and I started to giggle. It was only then that the woman looked us directly in the eye and said in the MOST proper term… “**** that was fun!” Best. Train. Ride. Ever!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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