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Ellie Welch
Community Member
1 posts
23 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Ellie Welch • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
Show All 3 Comments
Ellie Welch • upvoted 21 items 2 years ago
RandomGovtEmployee reply
Female that doesn't want kids: what a horrible person! You'll change your mind soon. Just have one and then you'll change your mind. (Seriously, it's like she said she wants to slaughter babies or something.) Dude that doesn't want kids: Oh that's normal. Let's get beers.Sensitive-Many-8674 reply
How little mental issues are talked about. Men are told to man up if they cry and if women cry they’re sensitive or on their period. Also PPD. not talked about enoughAnnCHarms reply
Being a male teacher, it truly aggravates me that I can't comfort any students in a kind way because it's inappropriate to give them hugs. A female teacher, on the other hand, can figuratively have a kid sit on her lap during read-alouds. If I do this, I'm headed straight for the dog pound.Hey Pandas, AITA For Telling My Dad To Back Off?
Your dad is a narcissist. He sees no wrong in him self. It is none of his business if you are not hurting yourself or anyone around him. Then your body should not be his concern. If you do yoga and walk the dog and can easily lift 50pds I think you are doing great. As long as your happy with yourself that all that matters. I'd try to distance my self. I know it may hurt but sometimes when someone is hurtful and make comments like this and gets angry when you stand up for yourself they usually have major problems and they will say worse stuff I know I had a dad that was aways negative and my mother died and he got way worse.Hey Pandas, AITA For Telling My Dad To Back Off?
NTA. He needs to respect your boundaries. Great job being able to lift 50 pounds!! Also, you do yoga and sometimes run? That's waaaaaaay more exercise than I will probably ever do. You don't NEED to be stronger. If you want to, that's great, but it's also great not to. Depending on your health background, certain exercises might be good for you, if your dad is so interested in you working out or something, why don't you ask him for specific recommendations? So, NTA!!If Today Is Monday, Then The Upcoming Saturday Is Considered “This Saturday” Not “Next Saturday”
If today is Monday, then the upcoming Saturday is considered “this Saturday” not “next Saturday”. “Next” would be two Saturdays from now. Fight me.When A Kid Has A Birthday, Only They Get To Blow Out The Candles
When a kid has a birthday, only HE gets to blow out the candles! It INFURIATES me to my very soul when I see other kids try to blow them out. The only thing worse is when adults LET THEM.Adding Apostrophe S At The End Of A Word Doesn’t Make It Plural
Adding 's at the end of a word does not make it plural. I've seen it in ads. I've seen it on signs. I've even seen it on a flyer someone wrote advertising their services as a writer. People walk around like it's normal! Out in the street! Saying that they have 14 chicken's! Like monsters! I will die on this hill over and over until my assembled corpses make it into a slightly bigger hill. Parenting, Social Issues
"Ex-Girlfriend Baby-Trapped Me": 30 Parents Get Real About What It's Like To Raise Children They Never Wanted
Show All 21 Upvotes
Ellie Welch • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Ellie Welch • submitted a new post 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Ellie Welch • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Sensitive-Many-8674 reply
How little mental issues are talked about. Men are told to man up if they cry and if women cry they’re sensitive or on their period. Also PPD. not talked about enoughRandomGovtEmployee reply
Female that doesn't want kids: what a horrible person! You'll change your mind soon. Just have one and then you'll change your mind. (Seriously, it's like she said she wants to slaughter babies or something.) Dude that doesn't want kids: Oh that's normal. Let's get beers.AnnCHarms reply
Being a male teacher, it truly aggravates me that I can't comfort any students in a kind way because it's inappropriate to give them hugs. A female teacher, on the other hand, can figuratively have a kid sit on her lap during read-alouds. If I do this, I'm headed straight for the dog pound. Parenting, Social Issues
"Ex-Girlfriend Baby-Trapped Me": 30 Parents Get Real About What It's Like To Raise Children They Never Wanted
When A Kid Has A Birthday, Only They Get To Blow Out The Candles
When a kid has a birthday, only HE gets to blow out the candles! It INFURIATES me to my very soul when I see other kids try to blow them out. The only thing worse is when adults LET THEM.Adding Apostrophe S At The End Of A Word Doesn’t Make It Plural
Adding 's at the end of a word does not make it plural. I've seen it in ads. I've seen it on signs. I've even seen it on a flyer someone wrote advertising their services as a writer. People walk around like it's normal! Out in the street! Saying that they have 14 chicken's! Like monsters! I will die on this hill over and over until my assembled corpses make it into a slightly bigger hill.If Today Is Monday, Then The Upcoming Saturday Is Considered “This Saturday” Not “Next Saturday”
If today is Monday, then the upcoming Saturday is considered “this Saturday” not “next Saturday”. “Next” would be two Saturdays from now. Fight me.Hey Pandas, AITA For Telling My Dad To Back Off?
Your dad is a narcissist. He sees no wrong in him self. It is none of his business if you are not hurting yourself or anyone around him. Then your body should not be his concern. If you do yoga and walk the dog and can easily lift 50pds I think you are doing great. As long as your happy with yourself that all that matters. I'd try to distance my self. I know it may hurt but sometimes when someone is hurtful and make comments like this and gets angry when you stand up for yourself they usually have major problems and they will say worse stuff I know I had a dad that was aways negative and my mother died and he got way worse.Hey Pandas, AITA For Telling My Dad To Back Off?
NTA. He needs to respect your boundaries. Great job being able to lift 50 pounds!! Also, you do yoga and sometimes run? That's waaaaaaay more exercise than I will probably ever do. You don't NEED to be stronger. If you want to, that's great, but it's also great not to. Depending on your health background, certain exercises might be good for you, if your dad is so interested in you working out or something, why don't you ask him for specific recommendations? So, NTA!!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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