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Pugtato Dog
Community Member
I love Potatoes
A man missing nearly 30 years was found alive and living just 80 miles away from where he disappeared after he helped solve his own disappearance by telling a social worker he had a flashback and remembered his name. He had reportedly suffered major memory loss due to a head injury.
xdisk reply
My family (me, wife and 3 kids at the time) was in a rough spot, living with a friend a few years ago. I told that friend that if anyone had a problem with my wife, that they had a problem with me. Word got around. My 'best' friend messaged me on FB asking if what I said was true, instant reply of yes. Havent heard from him since. A lot of people had difficulty realizing my wife was disabled. Chronic pain condition called Fibromyalgia, and many friends and family alike thought she was just lazy, didnt want to work and was using me. Most of my family have come around and know this ain't a f*****g joke. F**k all the rest of them. We've been married 14 years soon, have a great relationship, 4 kids, and despite all the horrific pain and suffering she goes through, we're doing ok for ourselves now. I don't have much time for friendships these days, so I socialize online for the most part. Edit: lots of replies being downvoted for no reason...xdisk reply
My family (me, wife and 3 kids at the time) was in a rough spot, living with a friend a few years ago. I told that friend that if anyone had a problem with my wife, that they had a problem with me. Word got around. My 'best' friend messaged me on FB asking if what I said was true, instant reply of yes. Havent heard from him since. A lot of people had difficulty realizing my wife was disabled. Chronic pain condition called Fibromyalgia, and many friends and family alike thought she was just lazy, didnt want to work and was using me. Most of my family have come around and know this ain't a f*****g joke. F**k all the rest of them. We've been married 14 years soon, have a great relationship, 4 kids, and despite all the horrific pain and suffering she goes through, we're doing ok for ourselves now. I don't have much time for friendships these days, so I socialize online for the most part. Edit: lots of replies being downvoted for no reason...Turn All The Lights Off If You Suspect Someone's Outside Your House At Night
If you think you hear someone outside your house at night, your instinct will be to turn all the lights on. You should in fact turn them all **off** for two reasons: First, with the lights off he can't see where you are or what you are doing. Second, you know your way around your house in the dark way better than he does, and if he gets in, this works to your advantage.If Someone Is Coming At You In A Threatening/Kidnapping Vibe, Pull Out Your Phone And Say "Facebook Live"
Tell your daughters: if someone is coming at you in a threatening/kidnapping vibe, pull out your phone and say "Facebook Live" and theres a good chance they'll walk away... Since it's "Live/streaming". You don't have to actually fidget to get FB Live up and streaming, just say that you are. (please do if your capable). It saved my 38 year old cousin from getting kidnapped while out walking her dog. She learned it from a 14 year old girl (friends with her parents) who was also almost kidnapped.Interesting-Today-I-Learned-Facts
A man missing nearly 30 years was found alive and living just 80 miles away from where he disappeared after he helped solve his own disappearance by telling a social worker he had a flashback and remembered his name. He had reportedly suffered major memory loss due to a head injury.