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Dagger_26 reply
Not said but done. She found someone's debit card and used it to buy gas. She then called her friends and family so they could drain the card and fill thier tanks. I knew i had to cut her off.
Ok_Object2781 reply
My beloved dog passed away after a year of me caretaking for him through kidney disease and cancer. I did everything I could to keep him feeling as well as possible is his last months, and keep him doing his favourite things (I’d push all 80 lbs of him in a wagon to the park just so he could lie in the sun). I rearranged my job so I could work from home, and got overlooked for a promotion because of this. His illness and passing was truly traumatic for me.
After he passed away, my husband said “the dog passing showed me your true colours in how selfish you are”. At that moment I knew he would never have my back, through anything.
Dagger_26 reply
Not said but done. She found someone's debit card and used it to buy gas. She then called her friends and family so they could drain the card and fill thier tanks. I knew i had to cut her off.
Ok_Object2781 reply
My beloved dog passed away after a year of me caretaking for him through kidney disease and cancer. I did everything I could to keep him feeling as well as possible is his last months, and keep him doing his favourite things (I’d push all 80 lbs of him in a wagon to the park just so he could lie in the sun). I rearranged my job so I could work from home, and got overlooked for a promotion because of this. His illness and passing was truly traumatic for me.
After he passed away, my husband said “the dog passing showed me your true colours in how selfish you are”. At that moment I knew he would never have my back, through anything.
Raginghangers reply
For me I guess it’s more confirmed than changed. My husband and I were at an amusement park recently with friends and their eight year old daughter who had gone through cancer treatment. She got on a daring ride that did loops and they told her she had to get off, even if she took off her prosthetic. She just looked at her parents and said “does this mean I can never go on upside down rides?” They were distracted and didn’t quite hear her or know what to do.
My husband said “f**k this, I’m not going to let her think that, time to be a Karen.” And he looked up the ADA and safety regulations on his phone, talked to every manager at the park, and then- even though he gets extremely motion sick- rode the ride with her after they agreed it actually was safe for her to do it.
It was the sexiest thing I have ever seen a person do.
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Painful Experience You've Had As A Woman?
As a human of the male persuasion, I have no input for this thread. My heart goes out to the women who have shared their experiences
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Painful Experience You've Had As A Woman?
As a human of the male persuasion, I have no input for this thread. My heart goes out to the women who have shared their experiences
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Want To Spread Awareness About?
Having a mental illness sucks. Being in love with someone with a mental illness can be extremely challenging. To stand with them and take the ups and downs. The fits of anger and delusional thinking is so exhausting. Having the thick skin to take the tirades knowing this is only one small part of the person i love. To see the beauty and strength in them and offer help when its the last thing i want to do.
Mental illness sucks
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Want To Spread Awareness About?
Having a mental illness sucks. Being in love with someone with a mental illness can be extremely challenging. To stand with them and take the ups and downs. The fits of anger and delusional thinking is so exhausting. Having the thick skin to take the tirades knowing this is only one small part of the person i love. To see the beauty and strength in them and offer help when its the last thing i want to do.
Mental illness sucks
bluvelvetunderground reply
Sometimes people would lose their cool in public, we just never knew about it because not everyone had a smartphone in their hands at all times. Now, one person's bad day can become a public spectacle that follows them for the rest of their lives.
Carinne89 reply
I think I’m just becoming a grumpy old woman but social awareness. Like blocking the whole sidewalk, speakerphones in public, that kind of thing. It’s always been a problem but I feel like the pandemic stunted an entire generations social growth and they’re just oblivious to their effect on others in any given space. It’s stunningly annoying tbh.