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The Drawer Of Fanart
Community Member
1 posts
484 points
I just play Run 3 a lot and draw fanart for Dungeon Dogs, Castle cats and Run 3 mostly. Disclaimer: my profile picture is not mine. Someone else drew it.
The Drawer Of Fanart • commented on 25 posts 3 years ago
Show All 25 Comments
The Drawer Of Fanart • upvoted 14 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
Little kids no looking F*ck them i f*ckin hate them if you want to breed dogs just f*uckin take care of them, and dont make them f*cking breed their whole life and then just punch them to frickin death. And gib them friken food, and water, oh and this is the same for reptile, rodent, fish, and cat mills, so don't be a b*tch and dont start a puppy mill,Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
Little kids no looking F*ck them i f*ckin hate them if you want to breed dogs just f*uckin take care of them, and dont make them f*cking breed their whole life and then just punch them to frickin death. And gib them friken food, and water, oh and this is the same for reptile, rodent, fish, and cat mills, so don't be a b*tch and dont start a puppy mill,Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
They're WRONG on so many different levels. puppies are cute. THEY DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS!! :´(Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
Pet adoption is the only way. Designer breeds, pure breeds and all the like that causes puppy mills to continue need to stop. Muts and adoption are the ONLY way to go.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
Sick. totally sick places. Breeders can be better though, if you find a good oneHey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
Sweet and Simple... F puppy mills and all the sadistic people who run themHey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
i just googled what puppy mill is and now i will get REVENGE for dose poor cute sad puppy wuppies! if someone ever put a dog in a puppy mill then i might COMMIT A PUNCH IN DA FACE AND KNOCK THEM TO A GROUND TYPA(type of)REVENGE!Show All 14 Upvotes
The Drawer Of Fanart • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
The Drawer Of Fanart • submitted a new post 3 years ago
The Drawer Of Fanart • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
The Drawer Of Fanart • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
The Drawer Of Fanart • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
They're WRONG on so many different levels. puppies are cute. THEY DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS!! :´(Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
Little kids no looking F*ck them i f*ckin hate them if you want to breed dogs just f*uckin take care of them, and dont make them f*cking breed their whole life and then just punch them to frickin death. And gib them friken food, and water, oh and this is the same for reptile, rodent, fish, and cat mills, so don't be a b*tch and dont start a puppy mill,Hey Pandas, What Is Your Opinion On Puppy Mills?
Pet adoption is the only way. Designer breeds, pure breeds and all the like that causes puppy mills to continue need to stop. Muts and adoption are the ONLY way to go. The Drawer Of Fanart • is following 10 people
The Drawer Of Fanart • 25 followers