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Effseven Six
Community Member
1 posts
1.5K points
"If you are not in awe of all the simple beauties and pleasures around you, you are not appreciating the act of being alive."
Effseven Six • commented on a post 7 months ago
Effseven Six • upvoted an item 7 months ago
FinanciallySecure9 reply
I call it my starter marriage. He grossly misrepresented who he was. He was willing to move mountains for us, until we were us. Then he turned controlling - to the point where he changed the way *my* keys were on *my* keychain. This was back when all cars and homes had keys. He refused to mow the lawn, and would fight the tickets he got for it, by arguing that the base allowed 12”, and it was only 11.5”. He would eat everything in the house, leaving me no food, and then complain that he couldn’t lose weight. His gift giving went from diamond earrings before marriage, to a muffler, in the box, after marriage. The muffler is part of car maintenance, it’s not a birthday gift. The final straw for me was when he got mad at our kitten for being a kitten, and he threw him across the room. If he does that to an animal, what will he do to a tiny human. I left at 7 months. We didn’t even make it a year. Effseven Six • upvoted 23 items 1 year ago
Guy Disregards Dad’s Advice On Table Manners, Regrets It During A Dinner With His GF’s Family
Legal_Bridge990 reply
My mom who rushes to do all the chores herself and then complains when nobody else does them. And then if someone else does it she complains that it’s not being done the way she does it Art, Needle and Thread
50 Crochet Enthusiasts Shared Their Most Beautiful Works In This Community (New Pics)
"Find A Farm And Have A Better Life": Woman Shocked After She Checked Husband's Dashcam Footage
Show All 23 Upvotes
Effseven Six • commented on 15 posts 1 year ago
Show All 15 Comments
Effseven Six • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Effseven Six • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Effseven Six • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Effseven Six • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Effseven Six • commented on a post 7 months ago
Effseven Six • commented on 19 posts 1 year ago
Effseven Six • upvoted an item 7 months ago
FinanciallySecure9 reply
I call it my starter marriage. He grossly misrepresented who he was. He was willing to move mountains for us, until we were us. Then he turned controlling - to the point where he changed the way *my* keys were on *my* keychain. This was back when all cars and homes had keys. He refused to mow the lawn, and would fight the tickets he got for it, by arguing that the base allowed 12”, and it was only 11.5”. He would eat everything in the house, leaving me no food, and then complain that he couldn’t lose weight. His gift giving went from diamond earrings before marriage, to a muffler, in the box, after marriage. The muffler is part of car maintenance, it’s not a birthday gift. The final straw for me was when he got mad at our kitten for being a kitten, and he threw him across the room. If he does that to an animal, what will he do to a tiny human. I left at 7 months. We didn’t even make it a year. Effseven Six • upvoted 19 items 1 year ago
Guy Disregards Dad’s Advice On Table Manners, Regrets It During A Dinner With His GF’s Family
Legal_Bridge990 reply
My mom who rushes to do all the chores herself and then complains when nobody else does them. And then if someone else does it she complains that it’s not being done the way she does itRoutine-Aspect1000 reply
Root beer is apparently disgusting and an offense to most of the world's palate.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Effseven Six • 69 followers