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1 posts
127 points
I like cheese and pandas
Aadith • submitted 2 list additions 8 months ago
Aadith • upvoted 24 items 8 months ago
Hey Pandas, Write A Funny Poem
I couldn't catch an oystercatcher catching oysters. I caught them catching clams. I caught them catching snails. But oystercatchers ought to catch oysters, by gosh So I went out catching oysters, and brought them home in pails. When the oystercatchers next were out catching I brought out my oyster pails. "Here! Oystercatchers! I cried; Here are oysters to catch! Oystercatchers, Oh, oystercatchers; You see how hard I've tried." The oystercatchers glanced my way, busy catching clams. "We cannot catch caught oysters, you really ought to know. Only oysters in the ocean will ever suit our plans." So oyster stew was all I could do; watching oystercatchers wade away. and still- I've never caught the sight I've sought so long; An oystercatcher catching oysters. Is my longing then so wrong?Hey Pandas, Write A Funny Poem
As the Illuminati played dodgeball with the earth, A walking coffee came on the hearth, Of the fireplace in the land where the Freemasons lay, And discovered that all were g@y.Show All 24 Upvotes
Aadith • commented on 13 posts 8 months ago
Show All 13 Comments
Aadith • submitted a new post 8 months ago
Aadith • submitted a new post 8 months ago
Aadith • submitted 2 list additions 8 months ago
Aadith • submitted a list addition 9 months ago
Aadith • commented on 13 posts 8 months ago
Aadith • commented on a post 9 months ago
Aadith • upvoted 20 items 8 months ago
Hey Pandas, Write A Funny Poem
I couldn't catch an oystercatcher catching oysters. I caught them catching clams. I caught them catching snails. But oystercatchers ought to catch oysters, by gosh So I went out catching oysters, and brought them home in pails. When the oystercatchers next were out catching I brought out my oyster pails. "Here! Oystercatchers! I cried; Here are oysters to catch! Oystercatchers, Oh, oystercatchers; You see how hard I've tried." The oystercatchers glanced my way, busy catching clams. "We cannot catch caught oysters, you really ought to know. Only oysters in the ocean will ever suit our plans." So oyster stew was all I could do; watching oystercatchers wade away. and still- I've never caught the sight I've sought so long; An oystercatcher catching oysters. Is my longing then so wrong?Hey Pandas, Write A Funny Poem
As the Illuminati played dodgeball with the earth, A walking coffee came on the hearth, Of the fireplace in the land where the Freemasons lay, And discovered that all were g@y.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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