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1 posts
230 points
[a lazy panda]
Djtp09 • commented on a post 5 months ago
Djtp09 • commented on 6 posts 10 months ago
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Djtp09 • submitted a list addition 10 months ago
Djtp09 • upvoted 4 items 10 months ago
Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Being bullied basically every year in elementary school. My friend killing themselves last June.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Go through having watch my father die of covid and on the day I got back from his funeral, my wife decided to drop the bombshell she wanted a divorce. Then a month later having to put down my dog. Then having to start over from scratch back in my home town with job, 1/2 my money, and no car. But now I am in a much better place.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Being bullied basically every year in elementary school. My friend killing themselves last June.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Go through having watch my father die of covid and on the day I got back from his funeral, my wife decided to drop the bombshell she wanted a divorce. Then a month later having to put down my dog. Then having to start over from scratch back in my home town with job, 1/2 my money, and no car. But now I am in a much better place.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Quite in a tough time right now since end of October. Lost my brother-in-law end of october to cancer (age 46). Two weeks later his wife/widow (my sister-in-law) got diagnosed with stage-3 cancer (age 47). Still battling it. A few weeks later found out that my mother collected some debt (mid-sized five-figures) that needs sorting out. And just three days ago my mother was hospitalized with heart problems (again). Worst case....her time's up. Best case: she makes it, but will need constant care and help from now on (professional help at home or transfer to a nursing home). We will know in the next few days. So, yeah.... it could go better right now.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Recovering from a near fatal motorcycle accident about 15 years ago. I suffered severe brain trauma, fractured skull, smashed left shoulder and wrist, fractured pelvis, 3 fractured lumbar vertebrae (L3-L5), and a smashed left hip. I was in a coma for 2 weeks and I needed numerous surgeries and 2 years of physiotherapy. I am now as recovered as I ever will be but I still have in pain in my hip, shoulder and wrist almost almost every day and I get frequent migraines as a result of the brain trauma. I do still ride a motorcycle though and I will continue to do for as long as I am physically or mentally able. It took quite a while before I was mentally able to ride again but the fact that there was nothing I could have done differently to avoid the accident other than been somewhere else at that particular moment when the myopic halfwit in an SUV hit me, made me realise that sometimes, sh*t happens and no one lives forever.Show All 4 Upvotes
Djtp09 • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Djtp09 • upvoted 17 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Greatest Advice You've Ever Received?
When you always try pleasing everyone, you please no one.Show All 17 Upvotes
Djtp09 • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Djtp09 • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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Djtp09 • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
Djtp09 • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Djtp09 • submitted a list addition 10 months ago
Djtp09 • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Djtp09 • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Djtp09 • commented on a post 5 months ago
Djtp09 • commented on 6 posts 10 months ago
Djtp09 • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Djtp09 • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago
Djtp09 • upvoted 4 items 10 months ago
Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Quite in a tough time right now since end of October. Lost my brother-in-law end of october to cancer (age 46). Two weeks later his wife/widow (my sister-in-law) got diagnosed with stage-3 cancer (age 47). Still battling it. A few weeks later found out that my mother collected some debt (mid-sized five-figures) that needs sorting out. And just three days ago my mother was hospitalized with heart problems (again). Worst case....her time's up. Best case: she makes it, but will need constant care and help from now on (professional help at home or transfer to a nursing home). We will know in the next few days. So, yeah.... it could go better right now.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Being bullied basically every year in elementary school. My friend killing themselves last June.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Go through having watch my father die of covid and on the day I got back from his funeral, my wife decided to drop the bombshell she wanted a divorce. Then a month later having to put down my dog. Then having to start over from scratch back in my home town with job, 1/2 my money, and no car. But now I am in a much better place.Hey Pandas, Share The Hardest Thing You've Gone Through In Your Life
Recovering from a near fatal motorcycle accident about 15 years ago. I suffered severe brain trauma, fractured skull, smashed left shoulder and wrist, fractured pelvis, 3 fractured lumbar vertebrae (L3-L5), and a smashed left hip. I was in a coma for 2 weeks and I needed numerous surgeries and 2 years of physiotherapy. I am now as recovered as I ever will be but I still have in pain in my hip, shoulder and wrist almost almost every day and I get frequent migraines as a result of the brain trauma. I do still ride a motorcycle though and I will continue to do for as long as I am physically or mentally able. It took quite a while before I was mentally able to ride again but the fact that there was nothing I could have done differently to avoid the accident other than been somewhere else at that particular moment when the myopic halfwit in an SUV hit me, made me realise that sometimes, sh*t happens and no one lives forever. Djtp09 • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Greatest Advice You've Ever Received?
When you always try pleasing everyone, you please no one.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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