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Pope Francis Official™
Community Member
1 posts
9.2K points
I'm the fucking pope, Religion Rocks, Bitch! ™
(Official Account copyright © Vatican Media)℗®
Pope Francis Official™ • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Pope Francis Official™ • upvoted 38 items 1 year ago
This Photograph Was Taken In November 1909. It Shows Three Members Of The Payro Family Being “Photographed” By Their Cat: Edmund, Age 12, Ernest, Age 8, And Cecilia, Age 5
Walking Her Dogs In The Hyde Park Dog’s Cemetery: The Final Resting Place To 1000+ Victorian-Era Pets Hides Inside The City Park
1917 In Miles City, Montana, Here Are Three Cowgirls At The Miles City Round-Up. They Are Clyde Lindsay, Mildred Douglas And Ruby Dickey
December 1936: "Christmas Dinner In Home Of Earl Pauley Near Smithfield, Iowa. Dinner Consisted Of Potatoes, Cabbage And Pie." Photograph By Russell Lee For The Farm Security Administration
wildwuchs reply
Annoyingly turning away in bed. Because I was crying. Due to the pain of my kidney infection. For which I later had to go to the hospital for because, duh, it was a kidney infection. Nah man, I don't understand how people can be annoyed about their loved ones acute pain instead of alarmed. I got out of that relationship pretty quick after that. My now bf oftentimes cares more of my health than I do and tells me to go to the doctors if I have pain.PotatoPixie90210 reply
Asked me had I ever attempted to seduce my stepdad, who had been in my life since I was 8. I was 18 at the time. I just looked at him in bafflement and horror before asking him had he ever attempted to f**k his adopted sister? He responded with disgust and yet still couldn't see that he had asked me something horrific. Same dude also said he didn't think anyone was "really bisexual, they're just cowards who won't properly come out." When I asked him had he forgotten that I'm a bisexual woman, he smiled and said "Nah, I'll f**k you straight." All this said within a MONTH of us getting together. He's an ex for a reason.Show All 38 Upvotes
Pope Francis Official™ • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Pope Francis Official™ • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Pope Francis Official™ • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Pope Francis Official™ • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
wildwuchs reply
Annoyingly turning away in bed. Because I was crying. Due to the pain of my kidney infection. For which I later had to go to the hospital for because, duh, it was a kidney infection. Nah man, I don't understand how people can be annoyed about their loved ones acute pain instead of alarmed. I got out of that relationship pretty quick after that. My now bf oftentimes cares more of my health than I do and tells me to go to the doctors if I have pain.PotatoPixie90210 reply
Asked me had I ever attempted to seduce my stepdad, who had been in my life since I was 8. I was 18 at the time. I just looked at him in bafflement and horror before asking him had he ever attempted to f**k his adopted sister? He responded with disgust and yet still couldn't see that he had asked me something horrific. Same dude also said he didn't think anyone was "really bisexual, they're just cowards who won't properly come out." When I asked him had he forgotten that I'm a bisexual woman, he smiled and said "Nah, I'll f**k you straight." All this said within a MONTH of us getting together. He's an ex for a reason.1917 In Miles City, Montana, Here Are Three Cowgirls At The Miles City Round-Up. They Are Clyde Lindsay, Mildred Douglas And Ruby Dickey
December 1936: "Christmas Dinner In Home Of Earl Pauley Near Smithfield, Iowa. Dinner Consisted Of Potatoes, Cabbage And Pie." Photograph By Russell Lee For The Farm Security Administration
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