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PrinXe Nightmare
Community Member
2 posts
36 points
hey I'm a nerdy panda, I am a perfectionist.... and WWE geek.... 2018..... human
PrinXe Nightmare • commented on 31 posts 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Show All 31 Comments
PrinXe Nightmare • upvoted 5 items 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Show All 5 Upvotes
PrinXe Nightmare • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
PrinXe Nightmare • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
PrinXe Nightmare • started following a person 3 years ago
PrinXe Nightmare • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
PrinXe Nightmare • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
PrinXe Nightmare • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
PrinXe Nightmare • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Funniest Quote From 2020?
my husband came home with and gave me a dart and said where ever you hit we'll go after quarantine..... turns out where spending two weeks behind the fridge - anonHey Pandas, What Is Something Weird That You Do?
I have 2 weird parts of me. 1, i love sooo much cheese. 2 i spank butts. Bonus, i do crazy stuff in my room. -w- PrinXe Nightmare • is following a person