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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Dinogirlvt • commented on 30 posts 3 years ago
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Dinogirlvt • upvoted 2 items 3 years ago
Dinogirlvt • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
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Dinogirlvt • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
Dinogirlvt • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Dinogirlvt • upvoted 8 items 3 years ago
Doing something nice for someone and video taping it for clout.Hey Pandas, Tell Me A Time When You Took Revenge On Someone Without Getting Into Trouble
this tr was picking out v vandalized d school property saying s**t abt her:)....weren't caughtHey Pandas, Tell Me A Time When You Took Revenge On Someone Without Getting Into Trouble
so in grade 3 there was this bully so i put a bit of water on his seat (he was wearing khakie pants so you would think he pissed himself) so he sat down got wet and then he got up and i put a brownie on his chair when he was putting the wet paper towle in the garbage and he sat on itHey Pandas, Tell Me A Time When You Took Revenge On Someone Without Getting Into Trouble
My brother stole my food and ate it so I put mu breadstick in his cup of soda while drinking itHey Pandas, Tell Me A Time When You Took Revenge On Someone Without Getting Into Trouble
I think I've posted this before, but I once worked with The King of All Things Douchebagery. Always talked smack about his coworkers, stole, whined, etc. We had a mutual hate/hate relationship (although I generally ignore people like that) but the idiot actually used me as a reference when he left the company. I told the HR lady that called me, "Yeah...XXXX is a great guy. And don't worry about his past. There's reason to believe that little girl was lying in court...." I don't think he got the job....Hey Pandas, Tell Me A Time When You Took Revenge On Someone (Without Getting In Trouble)
One guy was a real scum, and he stole a few of my things (he stole many things from many people), but it was kinda hard to prove, so I just put it aside. But he hung around. One time he had trouble with the mafia and asked for our help, and I coldly refused. Felt really good, actually.Hey Pandas, How Should I Get Revenge?
Oh my- this person sounds horrible. Maybe, if you don't want to annoy them, be a pest and be overly nice to him. Or better yet, pretend to be his secret admirer, send him chocolates, pictures of him with hearts until he's annoyed so much he explodes. Also, you could try figuring out how he got this info in the first place too. Punish both of them then and give them karma. Someone in that chat you are in must've told someone. Dinogirlvt • is following 3 people
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