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Joselito El Zapatero
Community Member
1 posts
110 points
World traveler and adventurer, currently living in Congo:
Joselito El Zapatero • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
35 People Who Noticed An Alarming Number Of Individuals Not Knowing Basic Facts Share What They Were
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Joselito El Zapatero • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
WookieError reply
I’ve been waiting for this thread. About a month ago I was staying at a friends place and forgot a razor. I needed to shave bad as I was starting to look like hair lip Steve. So I asked my wife to get me a razor from the grocery. She came back with a pack of 8 top of my usual top of the line Gillette triple double whatever things. $50. But no stick. Just the heads. The friend I was staying with gave me one of his humble shick duos. $8 for 12 INCLUDING THE STICK. Friends - it was the most incredible shave. I didn’t cut myself once. It sliced right through my disgraceful hair lip like a dream. Will honestly never ever go back to those 15 bladed wank fest pat rafter shaving con jobs. Hear the truth and believe it people. Luxury razors are a scam.People Are Sharing Their Megalophobia Moments, And Here Are 50 Pics That Creeped Them Out (New Pics)
People Are Sharing Their Megalophobia Moments, And Here Are 50 Pics That Creeped Them Out (New Pics)
People Are Sharing Their Megalophobia Moments, And Here Are 50 Pics That Creeped Them Out (New Pics)
Show All 20 Upvotes
Joselito El Zapatero • submitted a new post 7 years ago
Joselito El Zapatero • submitted a list addition 9 years ago
Joselito El Zapatero • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
35 People Who Noticed An Alarming Number Of Individuals Not Knowing Basic Facts Share What They Were
Joselito El Zapatero • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
WookieError reply
I’ve been waiting for this thread. About a month ago I was staying at a friends place and forgot a razor. I needed to shave bad as I was starting to look like hair lip Steve. So I asked my wife to get me a razor from the grocery. She came back with a pack of 8 top of my usual top of the line Gillette triple double whatever things. $50. But no stick. Just the heads. The friend I was staying with gave me one of his humble shick duos. $8 for 12 INCLUDING THE STICK. Friends - it was the most incredible shave. I didn’t cut myself once. It sliced right through my disgraceful hair lip like a dream. Will honestly never ever go back to those 15 bladed wank fest pat rafter shaving con jobs. Hear the truth and believe it people. Luxury razors are a scam.People Are Sharing Their Megalophobia Moments, And Here Are 50 Pics That Creeped Them Out (New Pics)
People Are Sharing Their Megalophobia Moments, And Here Are 50 Pics That Creeped Them Out (New Pics)
People Are Sharing Their Megalophobia Moments, And Here Are 50 Pics That Creeped Them Out (New Pics)
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Joselito El Zapatero • 35 followers