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Demon Child
Community Member
11 posts
1.8K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Demon Child • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
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Demon Child • upvoted 35 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes (Closed)
This is for all parents It doesnt matter if you don't hit your kids or say I love you, mental abuse still hurts just as much as physical. also if you've only hit your kid once or twice, that sh*t will affect them forever. no amount of I love you's will fix that.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes (Closed)
This is for all parents It doesnt matter if you don't hit your kids or say I love you, mental abuse still hurts just as much as physical. also if you've only hit your kid once or twice, that sh*t will affect them forever. no amount of I love you's will fix that.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
As a female, I think some others have taken feminism WAYY too far. Like women always telling men “Count your days” “We don’t need you” “All men _____” Just stop. The people who do that are worse than how they say women are treated. I’m all for EQUALITY, but not female supremacy. Or male supremacy. Or anyone else supremacy unless it is a very lovable animal that is a good boy/girl. For the earth to keep populating, we need both men and women. We both have it hard.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
Mental abuse is STILL ABUSE!!! Gods my parents need to learn thisHey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
The separation of Church and State needs to be more enforced in the USA.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
If someone believes in a religion, people need to be respectful of it. If someone is using their religion as a means to hurt others, chances are the message of the religion has been twisted and the person's actions are inpired by themselves. So criticize the actions of the person. Not the religion. If religious people need to be respectful of people who choose not to believe, it must work the other way too. To those who say, "religion has caused so much conflict", I say I agree. But religion itself did nothing. It is a dangerous interpretation of it that likely led to conflict. And besides, even if religions never existed, people would have just found some other reason to fight and kill. So many times across this site I find such a deep hatred for religion, people just being nasty for almost no reason. My heart aches for all the people who have been pained in a way that they want to stay away from religion. Too many people use religon for personal gain rather than to uphold most of the common values of serving and helping others. This is what drives people away. But there are still those of us who are trying to uphold those values. Those of us who are trying to uphold the values of honesty, humility, and integrity. The value of helping one another. The value of "there is no compulsion in religion". Values that have been muddled for so long that people forget they exist. And it really is disheartening and discouraging when you see all your efforts to mend the broken image of religion do down the drain when the other person just isn't ready to understand, and take any chance to take a jab at religion more than is due.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
People need to be allowed to say what they want even if it's offensive. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you get to be protected from social opprobrium. Now, this specific post is about "hot takes". Apparently people here don't know what these are. Most of the posts are standard views shared on BP. The only hot take here is the one about shooting feral cats. The rest are pretty standard, or troll posts. People the post was about you giving your hot take. It was not about getting points for approval. What's the point of getting people to give their hot takes and then they get taken down by downvotes??Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
Our (United States) government is extremely corrupt, because they are all bought by special interests, particularly after the Citizens United decision.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
If you genuinely care about others, it will show. Be nice towards others.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
Religion should not be a valid reason to cut in childrens healthy genitals regardless of their sex. They should be allowed to pick if they want this for themselves when they turn 18 and can confirm that they want this non reversible procedure done.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
Autotune is the worst thing that has ever happened to music. Talentless people make mediocre "fast food" music. Shaky cam is a crime against movies and series. You get the feeling that the actors don't have to be so talented and the sets are on a small budget when the picture sways as if the cameraman/women has bad delirium.Show All 35 Upvotes
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Demon Child • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
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Demon Child • submitted 3 list additions 4 years ago
Demon Child • commented on 6 posts 1 year ago
Demon Child • commented on 14 posts 2 years ago
Demon Child • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes (Closed)
This is for all parents It doesnt matter if you don't hit your kids or say I love you, mental abuse still hurts just as much as physical. also if you've only hit your kid once or twice, that sh*t will affect them forever. no amount of I love you's will fix that.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
As a female, I think some others have taken feminism WAYY too far. Like women always telling men “Count your days” “We don’t need you” “All men _____” Just stop. The people who do that are worse than how they say women are treated. I’m all for EQUALITY, but not female supremacy. Or male supremacy. Or anyone else supremacy unless it is a very lovable animal that is a good boy/girl. For the earth to keep populating, we need both men and women. We both have it hard.Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Hot Takes
People need to be allowed to say what they want even if it's offensive. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you get to be protected from social opprobrium. Now, this specific post is about "hot takes". Apparently people here don't know what these are. Most of the posts are standard views shared on BP. The only hot take here is the one about shooting feral cats. The rest are pretty standard, or troll posts. People the post was about you giving your hot take. It was not about getting points for approval. What's the point of getting people to give their hot takes and then they get taken down by downvotes??This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Demon Child • 79 followers