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David Dwyer
Community Member
1 posts
186 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
David Dwyer • upvoted 15 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Is there a phone booth around here? SoMebODy's In tRoUblE!Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
I've always wanted to run up to a complete stranger in hysterics and yell, "Whatever you do, DO NOT look at their eyes!" and run away. I don't know who the "their" is referring to, and neither does the stranger. I just wanna cause unnecessary stress because I'm a menace.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Did you do it/did you hide it?Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Are you a whale person or a chicken person?Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Can I have a moment of your time to talk about our lord and savior etc. (I’m an atheist 😑)Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
"Could you be a witness to my wedding?" -Max Fosh.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
This happened to my friend when she told a girl she liked her shirt, the girl replied: "I like your face". Lol, we never let my friend forget that day.Show All 15 Upvotes
David Dwyer • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
David Dwyer • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
David Dwyer • commented on 17 posts 3 years ago
Brazilian Dentist Travels To Treat The Teeth Of Poor People For Free And Here Are 30 Transformations
Brazilian Dentist Travels To Treat The Teeth Of Poor People For Free And Here Are 30 Transformations
Show All 17 Comments
David Dwyer • upvoted 5 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Want To Get Off Your Chest?
I’m a public health nurse and I have a lot of knowledge on this pandemic and the vaccines!! I’m serious when I tell y that NOBODY wants to put poison in your body!! It’s a safe prevention and has been in the works for decades! I got it and I trust it enough that all 4 of my children got it!! The nonsense that is coming from people with no knowledge base or expertise to be able to do any kind of research is astounding. They’re unaware of what research in-tales, and I just don’t get what they are doing. It’s the most unintelligible thing I’ve ever been a part of. WeirdHey Pandas, What's Something You Want To Get Off Your Chest?
I’m a public health nurse and I have a lot of knowledge on this pandemic and the vaccines!! I’m serious when I tell y that NOBODY wants to put poison in your body!! It’s a safe prevention and has been in the works for decades! I got it and I trust it enough that all 4 of my children got it!! The nonsense that is coming from people with no knowledge base or expertise to be able to do any kind of research is astounding. They’re unaware of what research in-tales, and I just don’t get what they are doing. It’s the most unintelligible thing I’ve ever been a part of. WeirdShow All 5 Upvotes
David Dwyer • submitted a new post 3 years ago
David Dwyer • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
David Dwyer • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
David Dwyer • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Brazilian Dentist Travels To Treat The Teeth Of Poor People For Free And Here Are 30 Transformations
Brazilian Dentist Travels To Treat The Teeth Of Poor People For Free And Here Are 30 Transformations
David Dwyer • upvoted 15 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Is there a phone booth around here? SoMebODy's In tRoUblE!Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
I've always wanted to run up to a complete stranger in hysterics and yell, "Whatever you do, DO NOT look at their eyes!" and run away. I don't know who the "their" is referring to, and neither does the stranger. I just wanna cause unnecessary stress because I'm a menace.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Did you do it/did you hide it?Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Are you a whale person or a chicken person?Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
Can I have a moment of your time to talk about our lord and savior etc. (I’m an atheist 😑)Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
"Could you be a witness to my wedding?" -Max Fosh.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?
This happened to my friend when she told a girl she liked her shirt, the girl replied: "I like your face". Lol, we never let my friend forget that day. David Dwyer • upvoted 5 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Want To Get Off Your Chest?
I’m a public health nurse and I have a lot of knowledge on this pandemic and the vaccines!! I’m serious when I tell y that NOBODY wants to put poison in your body!! It’s a safe prevention and has been in the works for decades! I got it and I trust it enough that all 4 of my children got it!! The nonsense that is coming from people with no knowledge base or expertise to be able to do any kind of research is astounding. They’re unaware of what research in-tales, and I just don’t get what they are doing. It’s the most unintelligible thing I’ve ever been a part of. WeirdThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
David Dwyer • 19 followers