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Dani Ninic
Community Member
1 posts
18 points
Hi! My name is Dani and I create pressed flower art and various drawings and illustrations. My Instagram is @cvjetniput
Dani Ninic • submitted 16 list additions 3 years ago
Dani Ninic • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
While filming Total Recall, Schwarzenegger noticed the Michael Ironside was constantly on the phone between takes. When he broached the subject with Ironside, he was told the he was phoning his sister and that she was currently suffering from cancer. Arnold immediately brought Michael to his trailer and they had an hour long 3 way conversation with the sister about what exercises to do and what kinds of foods she should be eating and really lifting her spirits. Ironside has never forgotten Schwarzenegger's kindness and neither has his sister.Greatest-Movies-Behind-The-Scenes-Facts
While filming Total Recall, Schwarzenegger noticed the Michael Ironside was constantly on the phone between takes. When he broached the subject with Ironside, he was told the he was phoning his sister and that she was currently suffering from cancer. Arnold immediately brought Michael to his trailer and they had an hour long 3 way conversation with the sister about what exercises to do and what kinds of foods she should be eating and really lifting her spirits. Ironside has never forgotten Schwarzenegger's kindness and neither has his sister.Greatest-Movies-Behind-The-Scenes-Facts
While looking for a tattered coat for the character playing The Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, a costume assistant bought one from a second hand store. When the actor put the coat on he turned the pocket inside out - written in the pocket was the name L.Frank Baum who is the author of The Wizard of Oz books. Baum's widow later identified the coat as actually having belonged to her husbandShow All 3 Upvotes
Dani Ninic • started following a person 3 years ago
Dani Ninic • submitted 16 list additions 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't commented anything yet
Dani Ninic • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
While filming Total Recall, Schwarzenegger noticed the Michael Ironside was constantly on the phone between takes. When he broached the subject with Ironside, he was told the he was phoning his sister and that she was currently suffering from cancer. Arnold immediately brought Michael to his trailer and they had an hour long 3 way conversation with the sister about what exercises to do and what kinds of foods she should be eating and really lifting her spirits. Ironside has never forgotten Schwarzenegger's kindness and neither has his sister.Greatest-Movies-Behind-The-Scenes-Facts
While looking for a tattered coat for the character playing The Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, a costume assistant bought one from a second hand store. When the actor put the coat on he turned the pocket inside out - written in the pocket was the name L.Frank Baum who is the author of The Wizard of Oz books. Baum's widow later identified the coat as actually having belonged to her husband Dani Ninic • is following a person
Dani Ninic • 1 follower