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I am a Canadian baseball player in my teens. I love 2000s rock music and Weird Al.
sawace reply
We called off our wedding because my fiance got cancer. We spent what was supposed to be our wedding day in the hospital. However! He is cancer free now, so we've decided to MAYBE start thinking about getting married again in a year. We've both decided we're not planning the damn thing though. Eff that. Elopement all the way betches!AsphaltAdvertExec reply
My grandfather in Missouri was a very pro-union construction worker who worked CB units in Vietnam. He was extremely racist, however, he burned down several homes in his rural area to stop black families from moving in near him or to help run them out of town. He was a proud member of the Klan and worked hard to raise me as a fellow racist. It didn't work, I grew up in another state and only 2 of my friends were white, the rest were Hispanic, Polynesian or black. Once I learned of his extremist history in racism I stopped speaking to him and about 12 years later he died, and the world became a better place.anon reply
Went on a date with a guy yesterday who was a christian (I'm an atheist, but that's fine) and went on an unprompted monologue about how homosexuality is not God's will (not fine). I am a man, we were both men, it was a gay date. It was very confusing.
MrLambNugget reply
I was solving a Rubik's cube and a guy asked me how many sides it has and if I can make them all bluesawace reply
We called off our wedding because my fiance got cancer. We spent what was supposed to be our wedding day in the hospital. However! He is cancer free now, so we've decided to MAYBE start thinking about getting married again in a year. We've both decided we're not planning the damn thing though. Eff that. Elopement all the way betches!AsphaltAdvertExec reply
My grandfather in Missouri was a very pro-union construction worker who worked CB units in Vietnam. He was extremely racist, however, he burned down several homes in his rural area to stop black families from moving in near him or to help run them out of town. He was a proud member of the Klan and worked hard to raise me as a fellow racist. It didn't work, I grew up in another state and only 2 of my friends were white, the rest were Hispanic, Polynesian or black. Once I learned of his extremist history in racism I stopped speaking to him and about 12 years later he died, and the world became a better place.MrLambNugget reply
I was solving a Rubik's cube and a guy asked me how many sides it has and if I can make them all blueanon reply
Went on a date with a guy yesterday who was a christian (I'm an atheist, but that's fine) and went on an unprompted monologue about how homosexuality is not God's will (not fine). I am a man, we were both men, it was a gay date. It was very confusing.