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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hey Pandas, Ever Lied To Your Teacher And Gotten Caught?
I technically didn't lie, I just said nothing. I came back after being absent and the teacher was checking who had gotten their assignments back. She looked at her list and said she must have lost mine, told me I got a B or A (can't remember which but both normal grades for me) and moved on. I hadn't done or handed in the assignment, I think we were given it just before I was absent and I had forgotten about it.
Hey Pandas, Ever Lied To Your Teacher And Gotten Caught?
I technically didn't lie, I just said nothing. I came back after being absent and the teacher was checking who had gotten their assignments back. She looked at her list and said she must have lost mine, told me I got a B or A (can't remember which but both normal grades for me) and moved on. I hadn't done or handed in the assignment, I think we were given it just before I was absent and I had forgotten about it.