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that anime girl <3
Community Member
2 posts
55 points
I love anime
that anime girl <3 • commented on 24 posts 3 years ago
Show All 24 Comments
that anime girl <3 • upvoted 13 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
I had a friend who would constant borrow / steal things and I had to hound him or even steal them back. When he stole my moms identity and got a phone for his girlfriend and attached it to my moms account it was the last straw. I cut off all contact with him. He somehow got my new number years later and kept calling and texting me. Finally I told him if I ever saw him again Id do something which i wont say here but would probably end with me in jail for a long time. I haven't heard from him since but I did see him once I think as was turning around and the ran in the opposite direction.Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
This one's long but please read until the end! Thanks x I'm a teen and in secondary school so me and my 'friend' and i were walking to lunch I go in my bag as normal and my lunch box is missing. I have anxiety and autism so naturally I'm scared as s***, I am in floods of tears at this point and as the campus is large I don't know where to begin. She says I can have something from her lunch so I decide to chill and calm out she says she needs the toilet so I just wait. Our lunch is 30 mins who knows why it's that long but yeah so when 25 mins pass I get really upset and fractious, the bell goes and I'm so upset and hungry I don't know whatLiving-With-Woman-Draft
When you’re having a really tough day, she unexpectedly comes home and surprises you with a bottle of your favorite drink, homemade cookies and a dinner you love. And then she cuddles with you while you vent about your now not so crappy day. And you realize what it’s like to actually have someone support you. And you find yourself wanting to make sure the toilet seat is down, smiling when you can never find anything in the kitchen, rolling with it when the living room turns into a 12 stage laundry OCD deployment zone, and you laugh when you trip over her shoes that are now tangled in a knot of hair bigger than the dog. Because your house/apartment is no longer a place you live at, it’s now your home. And it’s safe to be the real you, not the show you put on when you were dating.Show All 13 Upvotes
that anime girl <3 • started following a person 3 years ago
that anime girl <3 • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
that anime girl <3 • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
that anime girl <3 • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
that anime girl <3 • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
that anime girl <3 • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
This one's long but please read until the end! Thanks x I'm a teen and in secondary school so me and my 'friend' and i were walking to lunch I go in my bag as normal and my lunch box is missing. I have anxiety and autism so naturally I'm scared as s***, I am in floods of tears at this point and as the campus is large I don't know where to begin. She says I can have something from her lunch so I decide to chill and calm out she says she needs the toilet so I just wait. Our lunch is 30 mins who knows why it's that long but yeah so when 25 mins pass I get really upset and fractious, the bell goes and I'm so upset and hungry I don't know whatHey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
I had a friend who would constant borrow / steal things and I had to hound him or even steal them back. When he stole my moms identity and got a phone for his girlfriend and attached it to my moms account it was the last straw. I cut off all contact with him. He somehow got my new number years later and kept calling and texting me. Finally I told him if I ever saw him again Id do something which i wont say here but would probably end with me in jail for a long time. I haven't heard from him since but I did see him once I think as was turning around and the ran in the opposite direction.Living-With-Woman-Draft
When you’re having a really tough day, she unexpectedly comes home and surprises you with a bottle of your favorite drink, homemade cookies and a dinner you love. And then she cuddles with you while you vent about your now not so crappy day. And you realize what it’s like to actually have someone support you. And you find yourself wanting to make sure the toilet seat is down, smiling when you can never find anything in the kitchen, rolling with it when the living room turns into a 12 stage laundry OCD deployment zone, and you laugh when you trip over her shoes that are now tangled in a knot of hair bigger than the dog. Because your house/apartment is no longer a place you live at, it’s now your home. And it’s safe to be the real you, not the show you put on when you were dating. that anime girl <3 • is following a person
that anime girl <3 • 12 followers