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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Finn • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
60 Humorous Comics That Retail Workers And Regular People Will Probably Relate To, By Stephen Beals (New Pics)
TIL that MIT will award a Certificate in Piracy if you take archery, pistols, sailing and fencing as your required PE
- Boil your rice like pasta to get wonderfully fluffy rice - Rest your food before eating (meat, casserole, lasagna, pizza, etc) - A $4 meat thermometer is how you test, not cutting and releasing all the juices - Understand the Maillard reaction to get flavor into food esp meat - Under-salt your pasta sauce, over-salt the water when you boil the pasta - Buy only high-quality oil. Not only for taste/freshness, but higher smoke point - Fat has been wrongly maligned, save it and use it - A touch of acidity (lemon juice, dry citric acid, pickle juice, etc) is required in nearly all dishes - A pinch of cane sugar takes the funkiness out of many sauces - Pressure cookers turn the cheapest cuts of meat into succulent, tender morsels - Good food is mostly technique and appropriate seasoning, not expensive ingredientscooking-tips-helpful-nobody-knows
Think about what you're throwing away. People discard so much when it can be repurposed. Got a dried out lump of cheese? Make mac and cheese with it. Dont throw it away. The stem from a head of broccoli, once that gnarly bit at the very end has been removed, is great if finely diced or sliced in soups or stir fries. Bones and carcass can be made into stock with no effort. Just a bit of salt and water, dont be intimidated by recipes that ask for $20 worth of other stuff. Pies and stews are great for sad looking veggies and bits of meat that are close to being off. Even potato skins can be fried into delicious treats. Cold rice is perfect for egg fried rice. Old bread is good for breadcrumbs. Dont have a blender? Grate them instead. It frustrates me when I see how much good food goes to waste, food that can be re-used and cooked into recipes that even a total amateur can cook. Also, people need to stop frying food on maximum heat, if your stove dials go to 8 for example, frying an egg should be on 5-6.Dycrno reply
If you put your ear up to someone’s leg, you can hear them say “What the f**k are you doing?”Show All 20 Upvotes
Finn • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
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Finn • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Finn • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
TIL that MIT will award a Certificate in Piracy if you take archery, pistols, sailing and fencing as your required PE classes.60 Humorous Comics That Retail Workers And Regular People Will Probably Relate To, By Stephen Beals (New Pics)
Warlizard reply
Met a guy on the train to East Germany. We ended up partying the night away, becoming good friends, and I spent Christmas with him, his family, and his ridiculously hot GF. That was the last good meal I had before we deployed to the Gulf. I remember being blown away by how gracious and kind his parents were toward me. Plus, he bought me a "New Kids on the Block" Christmas album. It was such a catastrophically poor gift but the thought was there. So now I always invite friends over for holidays, try to go overboard on gifts to friends. Thanks Thorsten. EDIT: Well this took an unexpected turn. Thanks to MarkG1 who suggested I try Facebook, I'm now just about reunited with my old friend. I tried different spellings of his last name (I was way the f**k off) and there he was. Unbelievable. Every time I get mad at Reddit for some stupid thing, something like this happens. Jesus... EDIT 2: Damn, he's still a cook! EDIT 3: I wish my German skills hadn't disintegrated... EDIT 4: He just responded. Yep, he's been looking for me too. He said he and his parents still talk about that Christmas. This is
Think about what you're throwing away. People discard so much when it can be repurposed. Got a dried out lump of cheese? Make mac and cheese with it. Dont throw it away. The stem from a head of broccoli, once that gnarly bit at the very end has been removed, is great if finely diced or sliced in soups or stir fries. Bones and carcass can be made into stock with no effort. Just a bit of salt and water, dont be intimidated by recipes that ask for $20 worth of other stuff. Pies and stews are great for sad looking veggies and bits of meat that are close to being off. Even potato skins can be fried into delicious treats. Cold rice is perfect for egg fried rice. Old bread is good for breadcrumbs. Dont have a blender? Grate them instead. It frustrates me when I see how much good food goes to waste, food that can be re-used and cooked into recipes that even a total amateur can cook. Also, people need to stop frying food on maximum heat, if your stove dials go to 8 for example, frying an egg should be on
- Boil your rice like pasta to get wonderfully fluffy rice - Rest your food before eating (meat, casserole, lasagna, pizza, etc) - A $4 meat thermometer is how you test, not cutting and releasing all the juices - Understand the Maillard reaction to get flavor into food esp meat - Under-salt your pasta sauce, over-salt the water when you boil the pasta - Buy only high-quality oil. Not only for taste/freshness, but higher smoke point - Fat has been wrongly maligned, save it and use it - A touch of acidity (lemon juice, dry citric acid, pickle juice, etc) is required in nearly all dishes - A pinch of cane sugar takes the funkiness out of many sauces - Pressure cookers turn the cheapest cuts of meat into succulent, tender morsels - Good food is mostly technique and appropriate seasoning, not expensive ingredientsDycrno reply
If you put your ear up to someone’s leg, you can hear them say “What the f**k are you doing?” Finn • is following a person
Finn • 1 follower