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Bae N' Bruh
Community Member
1 posts
10 points
We are helping people to fight mental health issues and come up and talk to people about their health frankly without the fear of being judged through our mental health t-shirt brand.
Bae N' Bruh • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm?
For me, taking a ride in my bicycle works wonders. I doesn't matter the place I'm going (I often just circle around the block). Sometimes I feel like going super fast if I feel angry, or just going nice and easy if my mind is troubled in other way.Hey Pandas, How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm?
I pretend everything is fine until I can get home and either curl up under a blanket, scream into a pillow, or cry without people watching me.Hey Pandas, How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm?
Hiking the forested mountains of China every weekend, with a backpack full of fruit, and Grateful Dead concert music playing on my Bose headphones. Sometimes bringing a friend.How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm
I am going through some mental health issues right now. When I am going through anxiety issues or feeling low I try to distract myself by 1. Doing some physical activity (exercises) 2. Read something 3. Watch some comedy 4. Sometimes play games online Basically anything which helps me not think about things which are bothering me. Tired of thinking about themShow All 4 Upvotes
Bae N' Bruh • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Bae N' Bruh • submitted a new post 1 year ago
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Bae N' Bruh • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm?
For me, taking a ride in my bicycle works wonders. I doesn't matter the place I'm going (I often just circle around the block). Sometimes I feel like going super fast if I feel angry, or just going nice and easy if my mind is troubled in other way.Hey Pandas, How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm?
I pretend everything is fine until I can get home and either curl up under a blanket, scream into a pillow, or cry without people watching me.Hey Pandas, How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm?
Hiking the forested mountains of China every weekend, with a backpack full of fruit, and Grateful Dead concert music playing on my Bose headphones. Sometimes bringing a friend.How Do You Keep Your Mind Calm
I am going through some mental health issues right now. When I am going through anxiety issues or feeling low I try to distract myself by 1. Doing some physical activity (exercises) 2. Read something 3. Watch some comedy 4. Sometimes play games online Basically anything which helps me not think about things which are bothering me. Tired of thinking about themThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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