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Clyno The Doggo
Community Member
1 posts
65 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Clyno The Doggo • commented on 21 posts 2 years ago
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Clyno The Doggo • upvoted 9 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
In middle school (6th - 8th grade) I had to take a semester (16 weeks) of art. I was not creative or imaginative enough to come up with anything original to draw or paint. So I recreated other peoples ideas. Picture of a deer in the woods, Tom and Jerry from the cartoon, etc. I was constantly talked down to by the teacher and I believe the only reason I passed is so she wouldn't have me in her class again. I ended up making a career as a graphic designer.Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
In middle school (6th - 8th grade) I had to take a semester (16 weeks) of art. I was not creative or imaginative enough to come up with anything original to draw or paint. So I recreated other peoples ideas. Picture of a deer in the woods, Tom and Jerry from the cartoon, etc. I was constantly talked down to by the teacher and I believe the only reason I passed is so she wouldn't have me in her class again. I ended up making a career as a graphic designer.Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
Not really childhood, rather a year or two before I finished school, but anyway. It was art class, I hated the teacher, I didn't get along with her and she obviously didn't like me either, so I was getting mediocre grades at best, no matter how much effort I put in. At the end of the year we were supposed to do some kind of crafting collage project, and I was so fed up with the whole course and not even trying any more, so I decided to not give a flake and raid my grandparent's basement for materials. Got two 40 y.o. wallpaper spares, one was brown with some flowers on it and the other was one of those with yarn strings on it, like it was popular in the days. Also found a fabric flower brooch I made in Kindergarten and an old photo of a Brugmansia Plant in bloom my grandparents once had in their garden. It was the most ugly combination of random flower-themed sh!t that had fallen into my hands by mere chance. I just slapped it on a wooden plate with some glue, painted the wallpaper yarn a bit in white and blue lines, even over part of the photo, and turned it in. In the end I got an A- on it, and I was just so perplexed that I asked the teacher if she was messing with me or something. She said she loved how I had clearly mantained a theme of the passage of time throughout life and nature and how the painted strings symbolized roots transporting the essence of life and stuff like that. I could barely contain myself. I still have that piece of junk and laugh hysterically for a moment every time it falls into my hands again.Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
Once when I was around 4 I hung a little paper sign on my 'office' door. What it was supposed to say: I am not here right now, but you can come inside. What it said: I am not hear rite now but you can cum in sid. I feel very sorry for this Sid fellow.Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
We did self portraits in third grade. I gave myself yellow skin and snake eyes. IHey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
my class was supposed to make paper mache animals my animal ended up looking like a cobra head attached to a squid body.Show All 9 Upvotes
Clyno The Doggo • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Clyno The Doggo • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Clyno The Doggo • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Clyno The Doggo • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Clyno The Doggo • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Clyno The Doggo • upvoted 9 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
In middle school (6th - 8th grade) I had to take a semester (16 weeks) of art. I was not creative or imaginative enough to come up with anything original to draw or paint. So I recreated other peoples ideas. Picture of a deer in the woods, Tom and Jerry from the cartoon, etc. I was constantly talked down to by the teacher and I believe the only reason I passed is so she wouldn't have me in her class again. I ended up making a career as a graphic designer.Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
Not really childhood, rather a year or two before I finished school, but anyway. It was art class, I hated the teacher, I didn't get along with her and she obviously didn't like me either, so I was getting mediocre grades at best, no matter how much effort I put in. At the end of the year we were supposed to do some kind of crafting collage project, and I was so fed up with the whole course and not even trying any more, so I decided to not give a flake and raid my grandparent's basement for materials. Got two 40 y.o. wallpaper spares, one was brown with some flowers on it and the other was one of those with yarn strings on it, like it was popular in the days. Also found a fabric flower brooch I made in Kindergarten and an old photo of a Brugmansia Plant in bloom my grandparents once had in their garden. It was the most ugly combination of random flower-themed sh!t that had fallen into my hands by mere chance. I just slapped it on a wooden plate with some glue, painted the wallpaper yarn a bit in white and blue lines, even over part of the photo, and turned it in. In the end I got an A- on it, and I was just so perplexed that I asked the teacher if she was messing with me or something. She said she loved how I had clearly mantained a theme of the passage of time throughout life and nature and how the painted strings symbolized roots transporting the essence of life and stuff like that. I could barely contain myself. I still have that piece of junk and laugh hysterically for a moment every time it falls into my hands again.Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
Once when I was around 4 I hung a little paper sign on my 'office' door. What it was supposed to say: I am not here right now, but you can come inside. What it said: I am not hear rite now but you can cum in sid. I feel very sorry for this Sid fellow.Hey Pandas, What's Your Worst Childhood Art Project?
We did self portraits in third grade. I gave myself yellow skin and snake eyes. IThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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