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1 posts
186 points
Hi! I'm an accountant and freelancer author (she/they); diagnosed C-PTSD, panic disorder, depression, sleep- and eating disorder; like to read, draw, write, play video games, listen to music/balter (mostly Pop, HipHop, Rap), do research on mental health (disorders) - if I find time to do so.
System_of_a_Girl • upvoted 34 items 3 years ago
Animals, Cats
50 Of The Best ‘My House, Not My Cat’ Moments That Have Ever Happened To Humans (New Pics)
My dad is the smartest person I (and anyone who knows him) know and once when we were kids he tried to make us laugh by sticking peas in his nostrils and ended up accidentally snorting them up into his nasal passages. Best part: he’s an ear, nose, and throat surgeon. One of the best in the region I can still hear him pleading with my mother to take them out because he couldn’t face his colleagues with peas up his nose that he voluntarily put there.My Parents Took Pictures Of Us Asleep In Weird Positions When We Were Kids. We Recreated The Photos As Adults, But Just Look Like A Bunch Of Drunks!
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System_of_a_Girl • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
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System_of_a_Girl • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
System_of_a_Girl • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
System_of_a_Girl • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
My Parents Took Pictures Of Us Asleep In Weird Positions When We Were Kids. We Recreated The Photos As Adults, But Just Look Like A Bunch Of Drunks!
Animals, Cats
50 Of The Best ‘My House, Not My Cat’ Moments That Have Ever Happened To Humans (New Pics)
My dad is the smartest person I (and anyone who knows him) know and once when we were kids he tried to make us laugh by sticking peas in his nostrils and ended up accidentally snorting them up into his nasal passages. Best part: he’s an ear, nose, and throat surgeon. One of the best in the region I can still hear him pleading with my mother to take them out because he couldn’t face his colleagues with peas up his nose that he voluntarily put there. System_of_a_Girl • is following a person
System_of_a_Girl • 25 followers