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Cheshire Cat
Community Member
7 posts
875 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Cheshire Cat • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago
This Facebook Page Shares Magnificent And Sometimes Creepy Miracles From The Natural World (50 Pics)
50 Tweets From Audiences Responding To The Final Testimonies In The Johnny Depp And Amber Heard Case
Show All 11 Comments
Cheshire Cat • upvoted 29 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Dumbest Rumour You've Overheard About Yourself?
Hope this isn't too dark. I have a large scar on my face, an "accident" that happened from an abusive relationship years ago. He was terrible and mean. We divorced. A long time ago. He died last year. Recently a coworker asked about the scar. I said "it was from my ex, but he's dead now" everyone in my workplace thinks I killed him. I didn't, lol, it was a heart attack, but nobody asked how he died, they just think I got revenge or something. I hadn't seen him in four years, the only reason I knew he had died is because my stepmom found the info on Facebook.Hey Pandas, What's The Dumbest Rumour You've Overheard About Yourself
I really don't care enough to know, lolThis Facebook Page Shares Magnificent And Sometimes Creepy Miracles From The Natural World (50 Pics)
Hey Pandas, What's Your Example Of "Hate The Character, Love The Book"
For me, it's the protagonist and titular character of the Ruby Redfort series, which is a now-published book within a book. I hate this child. She is a Mary Sue. She has rich parents who love her but also kind of leave her alone, cookie-cutter best friends, she is EXTREMELY smart (getting a scholarship to Harvard at about 10 years old-which she turns down because she "doesn't want to be a geek freak"), is AMAZING at everything she does (basketball, drawing, academics), BARELY EVER shows up to school and SOMEHOW is getting all As, jumps the line of sassy and funny to just plain rude (ex: her shirt says "a bozo says what", and her mother, trying to read it, asks "what?", to which Ruby replies, "exactly." my scrawny lil self would be grounded if i said that to my parents), is the most popular kid in school even though she makes no effort to make friends or anything like that, BEAT UP A 17-YEAR-OLD WHEN SHE WAS 7, and all-around, is an annoying brat who I would enjoy throwing out a window.50 Tweets From Audiences Responding To The Final Testimonies In The Johnny Depp And Amber Heard Case
Show All 29 Upvotes
Cheshire Cat • submitted 7 new posts 3 years ago
Cheshire Cat • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Cheshire Cat • submitted 11 list additions 3 years ago
Cheshire Cat • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
This Facebook Page Shares Magnificent And Sometimes Creepy Miracles From The Natural World (50 Pics)
50 Tweets From Audiences Responding To The Final Testimonies In The Johnny Depp And Amber Heard Case
Cheshire Cat • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Example Of "Hate The Character, Love The Book"
For me, it's the protagonist and titular character of the Ruby Redfort series, which is a now-published book within a book. I hate this child. She is a Mary Sue. She has rich parents who love her but also kind of leave her alone, cookie-cutter best friends, she is EXTREMELY smart (getting a scholarship to Harvard at about 10 years old-which she turns down because she "doesn't want to be a geek freak"), is AMAZING at everything she does (basketball, drawing, academics), BARELY EVER shows up to school and SOMEHOW is getting all As, jumps the line of sassy and funny to just plain rude (ex: her shirt says "a bozo says what", and her mother, trying to read it, asks "what?", to which Ruby replies, "exactly." my scrawny lil self would be grounded if i said that to my parents), is the most popular kid in school even though she makes no effort to make friends or anything like that, BEAT UP A 17-YEAR-OLD WHEN SHE WAS 7, and all-around, is an annoying brat who I would enjoy throwing out a window.Hey Pandas, What's The Dumbest Rumour You've Overheard About Yourself?
Hope this isn't too dark. I have a large scar on my face, an "accident" that happened from an abusive relationship years ago. He was terrible and mean. We divorced. A long time ago. He died last year. Recently a coworker asked about the scar. I said "it was from my ex, but he's dead now" everyone in my workplace thinks I killed him. I didn't, lol, it was a heart attack, but nobody asked how he died, they just think I got revenge or something. I hadn't seen him in four years, the only reason I knew he had died is because my stepmom found the info on Facebook.Hey Pandas, What's The Dumbest Rumour You've Overheard About Yourself
I really don't care enough to know, lolHey Pandas, What Are Your Least Favorite Literature Tropes And Stock Characters?
Love triangles. The absolute jerk male character who's the alpha type (yes, the word is used at least once), who's an absolute a-hole to the girl, gets aggressive, always at least 7 times says 'you're not my type, or I won't have sex with you' and then does, still is a d**k, as she falls harder in love with him. Her 'changing' him by the end of the book usually frustrates me the most. Does love change people, sure, do people adapt and compromise in relationships, yeah they should, but you're never gonna fundamentally change someone.This Facebook Page Shares Magnificent And Sometimes Creepy Miracles From The Natural World (50 Pics)
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