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Gigi Madison
Community Member
7 posts
347 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Gigi Madison • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Gigi Madison • commented on 29 posts 2 years ago
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Gigi Madison • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing You Have Seen Or Experienced?
My grandfather was a type one brittle diabetic. He was diagnose at 19 during WWII while serving on the USS Intrepid. He was told he'd be lucky to make it to 30. He gave himself injections and had to stick his fingers multiple times a day for like 65 years. Until his doctor told him about this new invention, an insulin pump. He learnd everything about it and got fitted for one. He was able to try foods he'd never had before, eat out at restaurants safely, it was amazing. He became a advocate of the pumps and told everyone about it and how it changed his life. He passed away at 94 after living a full and amazing life and the insulin pump freed him from the daily pain he became accustomed to to live.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing You Have Seen Or Experienced?
My grandfather was a type one brittle diabetic. He was diagnose at 19 during WWII while serving on the USS Intrepid. He was told he'd be lucky to make it to 30. He gave himself injections and had to stick his fingers multiple times a day for like 65 years. Until his doctor told him about this new invention, an insulin pump. He learnd everything about it and got fitted for one. He was able to try foods he'd never had before, eat out at restaurants safely, it was amazing. He became a advocate of the pumps and told everyone about it and how it changed his life. He passed away at 94 after living a full and amazing life and the insulin pump freed him from the daily pain he became accustomed to to live.Show All 5 Upvotes
Gigi Madison • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
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Gigi Madison • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Gigi Madison • submitted 7 new posts 2 years ago
Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Horrible Situation You’ve Encountered Either With The American Medical System Or With Health Insurance?
Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas! Post A Pic Of Your Pet(S) Being The Most Wholesome Thing On Earth, And Explain The Photo
Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, What's A Hobby You Took Up Just Because You Had Nothing To Do During Covid And You Ended Up Loving It?
Gigi Madison • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Gigi Madison • submitted 12 list additions 2 years ago
Hey Pandas! Post A Pic Of Your Pet(S) Being The Most Wholesome Thing On Earth, And Explain The Photo
Gigi Madison • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Gigi Madison • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing You Have Seen Or Experienced?
My grandfather was a type one brittle diabetic. He was diagnose at 19 during WWII while serving on the USS Intrepid. He was told he'd be lucky to make it to 30. He gave himself injections and had to stick his fingers multiple times a day for like 65 years. Until his doctor told him about this new invention, an insulin pump. He learnd everything about it and got fitted for one. He was able to try foods he'd never had before, eat out at restaurants safely, it was amazing. He became a advocate of the pumps and told everyone about it and how it changed his life. He passed away at 94 after living a full and amazing life and the insulin pump freed him from the daily pain he became accustomed to to live.Hey Pandas, What's A Hobby You Took Up Just Because You Had Nothing To Do During Covid And You Ended Up Loving It?
Photography and podcasts I bought my camera in March 2021 (it broke in december '21) and i absolutely loved it!! I spent pretty much all day outside with it Podcasts? I listened to some already but with all the ads and all i decided to try some new ones, through which I found Six Minutes (y'all HAVE to check it out!!!) andnow i've listened to most of GZM podcasts. And I've found several new ones (i found a couple kid friendly news ones that are great!)Hey Pandas, What's A Hobby You Took Up Just Because You Had Nothing To Do During Covid And You Ended Up Loving It?
I started sewing. I made hundreds of masks. Now I make aprons and shopping bags.We Told Our 3-Year-Old That New Year Is Special Because You Get To Toast. Later, She Said: "Are We Gonna Make A Toast Now?" And Thus, A New Year's Day Tradition Was Born
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Gigi Madison • 1 follower