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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
InteractionIll5071 reply
Anyone else having entire conversations with themselves? Like, full on talking at the 2nd person, like you're talking with someone else and trying to explain something? Sometimes even out loud (but in whispers so you don't look like your insane. Then you realize you're whispering to yourself and you look even more insane). Or am I just really lonely?
Even weirder, for me it happens in another language. I'm not English native, but I start talking with myself and arguing in english.
Also, do you guys/girls move when you're talking? On the phone, for example. I can't stand still. I'm literally walking circles around my own room. Sooner or later I'm gonna start digging out trenches like some Looney tunes cartoon. This also happens when talking by myself. It's like moving my body allows me to think and explain better.
InteractionIll5071 reply
Anyone else having entire conversations with themselves? Like, full on talking at the 2nd person, like you're talking with someone else and trying to explain something? Sometimes even out loud (but in whispers so you don't look like your insane. Then you realize you're whispering to yourself and you look even more insane). Or am I just really lonely?
Even weirder, for me it happens in another language. I'm not English native, but I start talking with myself and arguing in english.
Also, do you guys/girls move when you're talking? On the phone, for example. I can't stand still. I'm literally walking circles around my own room. Sooner or later I'm gonna start digging out trenches like some Looney tunes cartoon. This also happens when talking by myself. It's like moving my body allows me to think and explain better.
InteractionIll5071 reply
Anyone else having entire conversations with themselves? Like, full on talking at the 2nd person, like you're talking with someone else and trying to explain something? Sometimes even out loud (but in whispers so you don't look like your insane. Then you realize you're whispering to yourself and you look even more insane). Or am I just really lonely?
Even weirder, for me it happens in another language. I'm not English native, but I start talking with myself and arguing in english.
Also, do you guys/girls move when you're talking? On the phone, for example. I can't stand still. I'm literally walking circles around my own room. Sooner or later I'm gonna start digging out trenches like some Looney tunes cartoon. This also happens when talking by myself. It's like moving my body allows me to think and explain better.