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Chrissy DeVries
Community Member
1 posts
38 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Chrissy DeVries • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Chrissy DeVries • upvoted 12 items 1 year ago
Galooiik reply
Galooiik said: Exploring those small, tight a** caves. Extremely stupid. bad_apiarist replied: But just think of the rewards! Deep down at the far reaches there are dank, nondescript rocks to see! Rocks! No other way to do this other than to visit any other type or part of any cave anywhere. Then there's the glory of discovery. You could be the first to know there's more rocks further down. And you could be famous like the great cave explorer... uh.. hmm... otterpr1ncess replied: Don't forget the blind, creepy bugs and fish! dstroyer123 replied: There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.Show All 12 Upvotes
Chrissy DeVries • submitted 10 list additions 1 year ago
Chrissy DeVries • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago
"Hey Pandas, Tell Me Something You Could Not Laugh At Then, But Can Laugh At Now."
My husband and I didn’t want the fuss or expense of a big wedding so we decided to secretly elope. Our pastor knew and accidentally told the entire church (including extended family)about our elopement 3 hours before we got married. The news made it though town and across the country in record time. I think everyone knew within half an hour of church ending. We were pretty angry at the time but we did get the last laugh a few years later. After the incident we joked with the pastor he wasn’t going to hear any more big news until after the fact. That came true a few years later when we got our first foster child placement 3 months before we even completed the licensing process because we knew the child. We went from a childless couple to parents of a toddler with less than 3 hours notice. We told him a day or two later (once the dust settled). Doesn’t get much more poetic than that.Show All 11 Upvotes
Chrissy DeVries • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Chrissy DeVries • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Chrissy DeVries • submitted 10 list additions 1 year ago
Chrissy DeVries • submitted 10 list additions 2 years ago
Chrissy DeVries • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Chrissy DeVries • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Chrissy DeVries • upvoted 12 items 1 year ago
Galooiik reply
Galooiik said: Exploring those small, tight a** caves. Extremely stupid. bad_apiarist replied: But just think of the rewards! Deep down at the far reaches there are dank, nondescript rocks to see! Rocks! No other way to do this other than to visit any other type or part of any cave anywhere. Then there's the glory of discovery. You could be the first to know there's more rocks further down. And you could be famous like the great cave explorer... uh.. hmm... otterpr1ncess replied: Don't forget the blind, creepy bugs and fish! dstroyer123 replied: There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world. Chrissy DeVries • upvoted 8 items 2 years ago
"Hey Pandas, Tell Me Something You Could Not Laugh At Then, But Can Laugh At Now."
My husband and I didn’t want the fuss or expense of a big wedding so we decided to secretly elope. Our pastor knew and accidentally told the entire church (including extended family)about our elopement 3 hours before we got married. The news made it though town and across the country in record time. I think everyone knew within half an hour of church ending. We were pretty angry at the time but we did get the last laugh a few years later. After the incident we joked with the pastor he wasn’t going to hear any more big news until after the fact. That came true a few years later when we got our first foster child placement 3 months before we even completed the licensing process because we knew the child. We went from a childless couple to parents of a toddler with less than 3 hours notice. We told him a day or two later (once the dust settled). Doesn’t get much more poetic than that.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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